Licence to Kill

Stupidity: Felix and the DEA capture Sanchez, a very powerful drug lord, in a very public way, have the wedding...then everyone just goes home. No concept of extra security or concern about his minions getting revenge. So of course they can then just wander into his house with no problems whatsoever to capture him and murder his wife. Bond's clearly concerned when he learns Sanchez has escaped, but he must have realised there'd be plenty of goons still around before that point.

Jon Sandys

Stupidity: At the start of the tanker chase Sanchez shoots at Bond. He manages to get in the cab and throw the driver out, who lands on Sanchez's car. Sanchez then gets in front of Bond and has the ideal opportunity to just shoot the cab up with his machine gun knowing Bond is driving, but he doesn't.

Stupidity: The "$32 million" facility for processing the gas/cocaine apparently doesn't have a sprinkler system or any real fire control. The second the fire starts, which is still fairly small, in a single room, and could easily be contained, basically everyone evacuates the entire complex and just leaves it to burn/explode.

Jon Sandys

Factual error: When the air hose on the truck is severed, the brakes release. In reality, on an air-braking system, if the air hose is severed, the brakes lock on as a safety measure.


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Franz Sanchez: Señor Bond, you got big cojones. You come here, to my place, without references, carrying a piece, throwing around a lot of money... but you should know something: nobody saw you come in, so nobody has to see you go out.

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Trivia: This was Timothy Dalton's second and last appearance as James Bond. He initially agreed to play Bond for a third time in "GoldenEye" (1995), but resigned from the role in 1994, believing that too much time had passed since "Licence to Kill".

More trivia for Licence to Kill

Question: Is License To Kill the first Bond movie that isn't based on a novel or short story?


Chosen answer: "License to Kill" is partly based on the novel "Live and Let Die" and the short story "Hilderbrand Rarity". However, it is the first Bond film not titled after a book. While "The Spy Who Loved Me" shares its name with a book, it was the first Bond film not based on a book (though subsequently, there was a novelization of the film.) "Goldeneye" is the first film not based on a book AND not titled after a book.

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