Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Outside the club, a sailor and a girl are in a buggy, which crashes. When the buggy is on the road, the sailor is on one side - when it crashes, he is on the other side, having swapped places with the girl. Some shots are flipped, note the car's license plate. (00:12:05)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During the chase with the carts in the mine, in some of the shots, you can see that figures who are supposed to be Indy, Willie and Short Round are dummies. Indy's arm especially belongs to a mannequin in the shot where the cart almost derails. (01:36:00)


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: All during the fight in the sacrifice temple, the strap across Indy's chest hangs from his left shoulder to his right side. When he hugs Shorty, the strap is reversed. Also, the blood on his mouth occasionally switches sides, as does the parting of his hair. They obviously flipped the negative. Fixed in some DVD versions.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Indy and Willie jump out of the Obi Wan Nightclub, they fall through several awnings, the idea being that they will break the characters' fall. All well and good. But, if you look very carefully, you can see small taped-up cut marks which the crew made so the stunt men (and women) could effortlessly glide though the awnings.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Indy, Shorty and Willie are looking at the ritual from the "balcony" in the cave, they take a look at the big skull on the wall. The artifact stones aren't placed in the skull. In the next shot the stones are there. After a few seconds the camera turns and the stones aren't there again. Some minutes later some of the bad guys bring them and put them in the skull.

Continuity mistake: When Lao Che's goons toss Indiana onto the dish cart, in the next shot just as Indy notices the rolling vial on the floor and reaches out to it, at the top left of the screen we see broken dishes and broken remnants of the band's podium lying on the floor, but the problem is the goons haven't yet pushed Indy's cart into the podium, which happens three shots later.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: During the mine cart chase, in the first wideshot of Shorty being pulled between the two carts where we see the lava under Shorty, this is a flipped shot. Note Indy's ripped sleeve is at his left side instead of his right, and the stripe on the Thuggee's turban is the opposite direction than it should be.

Super Grover

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the pilots have jumped from the plane Willie shows Indy the empty cockpit, and in the shot of the front windshield note the view outside and the gauges, then after Indy nervously repeats "fuel" a few times there's another shot of the front windshield which is a flipped shot.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Indy is at the banquet, he has a large silver platter in front of him with a smaller plate of food on top of it. When the maharajah speaks, his smaller plate of food has mysteriously disappeared.

Lynette Carrington

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: The scene in the Obi Wan nightclub when Indiana runs out of the window with Willie Scott. Indiana is running behind the gong and we see him collect Willie. In the next shot seen from behind the gong Indiana has yet to reach Willie before they jump out of the window.

Visible crew/equipment: When Indy enters the dungeon, he is using a match to lighten the writing on the wall. You can see the shadow of his whole arm which shouldn't be visible if that match was the light source. (00:53:15)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the escape from the mine, Indy has to slide along on a rope to catch his companion's cart. Whilst hanging from the rope the shot switches from in front to behind a number of times. Depending on the shot, Indy switches from barely hanging on to having the rope grasped tightly next to him. (01:34:45)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Indy and Willie are waiting for each other to come to their respective rooms, Indy's clock shows the time as 10.17 and yet when the Thuggee guard tries to strangle Indy, the same clock shows the time at 10.36. (00:50:10)

Continuity mistake: When Indy is struggling on the bridge, he breaks one or two of the planks. When they are shown again, they are undamaged.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Indy starts climbing up the cliff after the water bursts through, we see a close-up of the back of his shirt, and there's one small tear quite high up. We cut to a wide shot, and now there are several quite wide rips across the back of his shirt. (01:36:30)

Jon Sandys

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Indy appears at the entrance of the mining caves to free the enslaved children, he punches out one of the guards and he goes flying in the air and across the gravel. You can see two suspension wires attached to the actor to drag him back through the dirt. (01:27:45)

Lynette Carrington

Continuity mistake: When Indy is in Club Obi-Wan, he spills a drink down his front. In the next shot, he is completely dry.


Factual error: The British / Indian troops at the end of the movie are using Lee Enfield no4Mk1 rifles. These didn't go into production until 1940. Also India never used the no4Mk1, they used the no1Mk3 until the 1950s.

More quotes from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Trivia: When Indiana Jones is confronted with the two swordsmen and goes to draw his gun to repeat his easy kill from the first Indy movie, listen to the music. It's the same music that was played in Raiders of the Lost Ark in the marketplace shortly before he pulled his gun on the big twirling swordsman.

Lynette Carrington

More trivia for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Question: Does anyone have a translation as to what the Mullaram says during the human sacrifice scenes? He chants something like 'Cully-ma, Cully-ma, Cully-ma sha-ti-day.' Also, what does the human sacrifice say? It sounds like 'Oh num-shi-vye.'

Answer: He says "kali ma, shakti day". This is hindi and means (literally) "black mother, give me power/strength". "Ohm nama Shivaya" means "I bow to Shiva." Both are Hindi.

More questions & answers from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

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