Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Continuity mistake: When Indy kicks the Thuggee rifleman off the scaffolding, you can see in the background that Mola Ram is about to reach the scaffolding. In the next shot, he is no longer there. (01:34:54)

Big Game

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: After Willie spits in Indy's face it cuts to Short Round running through the mine, and just as Shorty turns his head toward the camera behind him, we can catch a glimpse of something blue which does not belong in this dark dreary environment, at the right side of the screen. There is a tall spotlight and two crew members, one is wearing a solid blue shirt and a cap, and the other a blue/white striped shirt with white pants. (01:21:25)

Super Grover

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Suggested correction: This takes place in milliseconds and there's no way to see it unless you pause the image or play it in slo-mo. It should be under trivia.


Right now I have it playing on Netflix, and there is no slow motion. The striped blue shirt is noticeable as it plays without any slo-mo. If something catches my eye onscreen, it is fair game to go back and rewatch what was noticed in the first place. And in order for me to confirm what I find, I do pause, and may take screenshots. By the way, I've seen this movie countless times over the years, and it was just a matter of catching that glimpse of the color blue because it popped out against the dreary surroundings. I'll leave it up to Jon whether to move it to trivia or not.

Super Grover

Fair enough :).


Continuity mistake: When Indy tries to grab the antidote vial from the table, in the closeup just as the vial falls off the table the camera follows the vial as it lands in the empty area to the left of Lao Che's chair where Kao Kan's chair should be, but it's not, and the rug's edge with wood floor beside Lao Che's chair though it shouldn't be. Then Indy hits Kao Kan who is again seated closely to Lao Che's left, as he should be, and when Kao Kan falls backward we see the rug edge is nowhere near Lao Che's chair, also as it should be. (00:08:20)

Super Grover

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Suggested correction: Actually it appears the vial falls to the left of Kao Ken's chair, not Lao Che's. It appears after Indy pierces the other guy with the shishkebab, Kao Ken, off camera, takes the vial and puts on his left side. Indy jumps on the table and after missing the vial he slides further and then elbows Kao Ken who is on the right side now. The vial is still on the left side of Kao Ken's chair when it's kicked onto the wooden floor.


You're very much mistaken. Lao Che is wearing an embroidered dinner jacket and has a pinky ring on his left pinky, and Kao Kan's left hand is bandaged in gauze. After Indy skewers Chen, in the closeup of Indy's hand just as it knocks the vial off the table, it's Lao Che's hand (note the pinky ring, etc) that we see on the table next to Nurhachi's urn, the stack of money, and the vial. That is not Kao Kan's hand/arm, remember his left hand is bandaged. And as this closeup continues to pan down it follows the vial as it lands on the floor in the empty space where Kao Kan's chair should be, but it isn't.

Super Grover

Yep, you're right I see it. There are 2 shots of Indy trying to grab the vial off the table and the second one is followed through with the vial falling off it and that one is wrong. Alright.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Wu Han is shot there's a closeup of the gun in Chen's hand, and as the camera slowly pans up to Chen's face note the carnation is on Chen's right lapel, though in the previous and following shots Chen's boutonnière is on his left lapel. The closeup is a flipped shot.

Super Grover

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Short Round rams the car into the back of the rickshaw, in the next shot facing the rickshaw driver we can see that he loses his right shoe (viewer's left) just as he's lifted into the air, but his shoe returns in following shots. (00:12:05)

Super Grover

Factual error: In the area with the lava Willie is put in a cage and lowered over the lava. She keeps dropping down until she is stopped what looks like a few feet above the lava. In reality she would have been incinerated by the heat.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The mine cart Willie pushes and then climbs into does not have an actual braking mechanism at the bottom of the braking pole, but after Indy joins Willie and Shorty in the mine cart there's a sudden appearance of a metal braking mechanism, which is attached to the pole and base of the cart, for use during the chase.

Super Grover

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: During Lao Che's car chase, when Short Round pulls up behind the rickshaw and slams on the accelerator, in the next shot just as the car speeds up, we can see the metal bar at the bottom front of the car leading to underneath the rickshaw, for the stunt. Then, when the rickshaw crashes we can see the small third wheel at the base of the rickshaw's seat, allowing it to lean all the way back and roll on the ground for the stunt.

Super Grover

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Indy and Willie jump out the window at Club Obi Wan, just as they crash through the glass note the white stunt leggings/knee-pads on Willie's legs above her shins. Willie's legs are bare when she lands on the lower awnings.

Super Grover

Factual error: In the scene at the end of the movie on the bridge, the fear of heights is increased by the shots of hungry reptiles waiting below. The reptiles shown are alligators. This is wrong: crocodiles are the animals that live in India, not alligators. (01:45:35)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the water tank is about to collapse there's a closeup of Mola Ram and a few Thuggees, then after a shot of the water tower collapsing there's another closeup of smiling Mola Ram and his Thuggees, but the second closeup is a flipped shot. (01:39:25)

Super Grover

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: While clinging to the hanging bridge, just as Indy tries to grab Mola Ram's foot in the closeup we can see Indy's red harness and the wire cable protruding from his shirt. Then after Mola Ram orders his archers to shoot, when Short Round and Willie are shouting at Indy we can see a bit of Shorty's safety cable protruding from his shirt, and it's seen again after Mola Ram falls onto Indy, when Willie and Shorty are shouting once more.

Super Grover

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the wide shot as Willie sits down after Lao shouts at her, you can very briefly see a member of the crew lift his head as he pulls the chair across the floor as she sits. (00:05:15)

Revealing mistake: Indy's bridge breaks and he is hanging by it with the natives shooting arrows at him. If you look closely you can see two arrows bounce off his back. All the other clatter noisily onto the cliff-face or stick in the bridge, so it's not like they've lost much force due to the range. (01:48:40)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the mine cart scene, right after Indy strikes the overhead metal bin, the next wideshot of the Thuggee goons is a flipped shot, note the stripe direction on their turbans and their cart's brake has switched sides. Then another shot with a view facing the front of Indy's cart looking back towards the Thuggee cart, note the brake at the front of Indy's cart has switched sides.

Super Grover

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Shorty falls through the bridge, a large hole is made. Later on, the hole disappears. (01:41:55 - 01:42:50)

Continuity mistake: During the 8 minute race on the mine carts through the mine. The group passes several bottomless cliffs, several huge holes, and even a hole of lava about 200 feet long. Yet when the water is released, it gets to them in about 30 seconds, and shows no sign of stopping when they outrun it. (01:36:00 - 01:39:30)

Factual error: When they fly from Shanghai (southern China) to India (southwest of China) you see the plane passing the Great Chinese Wall. But the wall is placed in northern China, not on the route Shanghai - Chungking - India. (00:14:35)

More quotes from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Trivia: When Indiana Jones is confronted with the two swordsmen and goes to draw his gun to repeat his easy kill from the first Indy movie, listen to the music. It's the same music that was played in Raiders of the Lost Ark in the marketplace shortly before he pulled his gun on the big twirling swordsman.

Lynette Carrington

More trivia for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Question: Why did Spielberg make Temple of Doom a prequel to Raiders of the Lost Ark? I read somewhere that he didn't want to make the Nazis the villains again, but that wouldn't be a problem since the Nazis never went to India or China.


Answer: This is conjecture, but it seems the general function of setting Temple of Doom before Raiders of the Lost Ark is that it helps set audience expectations that the two movies are self-contained episodes. For instance, Karen Allen has said she wasn't disappointed about not being asked to return because she'd already been told that the next installment was being set in the past before her character is reunited with Indy. Conversely, since we're already aware Raiders makes no mention of the events of Temple of Doom, we know we shouldn't necessarily expect any further installments to continue directly from prior movies' storylines regardless if they are set forward in time.


Chosen answer: It was actually George Lucas who wrote the story, made it a prequel, and has stated it was because he didn't want the Nazis to be the villains again. The idea most likely seems if it wasn't a prequel, the Nazis could still be after Jones, even in China or India. But alas, there is really no other insight as to Lucas' prequel decision.


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