Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Continuity mistake: After the Indians fire arrows at the bridge, Willie and Short step repeatedly on Mula's hands. The position of his hands changes from spread apart to close together from one frame to the other with no movement in between at all.


Continuity mistake: In the mine, while Short punches the Maharaja, the Thuggee smashes a rock against Indy's head, turning it to the right side. A frame later, from a wider angle, Indy is turning his head to the opposite side.


Continuity mistake: During dinner, after the British soldier dips his finger in the cup, Indy's position swaps between frames from looking straight with his right hand raised, to looking to the left side with his hand lowered.


Continuity mistake: The three arrive at the palace and are greeted by the Prime Minister. Willie raises her right arm to move her coat to her left hand. Before she finishes her movement, the angle cuts and she already has the coat under the left arm.


Continuity mistake: Indy crashes against the orchestra, musicians, instruments and decoration. Two seconds later everything and everyone manages to be perfectly back in place.


Continuity mistake: When the baddie hands Indy the diamond, the black napkin in front swaps from wrinkled to straight.


Continuity mistake: When the three walk towards the palace, they pass by a wall with an elephant painted on. Round the corner, a guard stands 10 meters in the back. A frame later, the guard stands right next to the three. In the following shots he keeps appearing or disappearing randomly.


Revealing mistake: After Indy drinks the antidote, many of the chase-scenes are obviously sped up, watch the way the actors move.


Continuity mistake: In the plane, Willie wakes up Indy, who asks if they've arrived, and a feather lands on his head. A frame later the feather is gone.


Continuity mistake: Short falls through the hole and there's a POV shot of his legs moving wildly while he cries "Help!" Then he is rescued by Willie and lifted up safely, his legs now still, and his nerves calmed. However, the very same shot of the wild legs and the cries for help from before is suddenly inserted, which makes no sense whatsoever.


Continuity mistake: During dinner, a man in front of Willie asks her is she isn't hungry. The way he holds the huge beetle swaps from straight to sideways between angles.


Continuity mistake: Short tries to wake up brainwashed-Indy, who smacks him. Short falls on the floor and his hair becomes messy. A frame later it's neatly brushed.


Continuity mistake: Mola Ram throws a Thuggee down the bridge and Indy moves away. The angle cuts to a closer angle and Indy is in the previous position moving away again.


Continuity mistake: When the pilot checks if Indy is asleep he holds the curtain with his thumb inside the cabin and fingers on the passenger part. From the opposite angle he holds it with the side of his hand, all fingers inside the cabin.


Continuity mistake: In the mine, Indy fights against a bearded bad guy, who throws a hammer backwards that lands on a worker's head, knocking him out. The workers are very close together in the wide angle, then equidistant in the close-up when the hammer lands, and then together again in the wide angle. Also the worker that falls unconscious is standing straight a frame later.


Continuity mistake: When the pilots are about to jump off the plane, they walk between Willie and Indy. Her head swaps from tilted to straight from frame to frame.


Continuity mistake: When Short is hanging through a hole in the bridge, his shirt keeps changing back and forth from being motionless in the POV angles, to wildly flickering in the wide ones.


Short Round: I keep telling you, you listen to me more, you live longer!

More quotes from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Trivia: Just like Indiana was named after George Lucas' dog, Willie was named after Steven Spielberg's dog and Short Round was named after screenwriters Bill Hyuck and Gloria Hatz's dog.

More trivia for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Question: When the man was hanged on the fan, what exactly happened? It seems like he was cut by the fan, but then there's no blood or anything. How exactly did he die? And why did the fan suddenly stop when he hit it?


Chosen answer: His neck was snapped by the whip getting caught in the fan. There isn't always blood with a hanging. Since the fan wasn't designed to hold a man's weight, the motor in it would have stopped or given out.

Captain Defenestrator

More questions & answers from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

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