Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: After Willie spits in Indy's face it cuts to Short Round running through the mine, and just as Shorty turns his head toward the camera behind him, we can catch a glimpse of something blue which does not belong in this dark dreary environment, at the right side of the screen. There is a tall spotlight and two crew members, one is wearing a solid blue shirt and a cap, and the other a blue/white striped shirt with white pants. (01:21:25)

Super Grover

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Suggested correction: This takes place in milliseconds and there's no way to see it unless you pause the image or play it in slo-mo. It should be under trivia.


Right now I have it playing on Netflix, and there is no slow motion. The striped blue shirt is noticeable as it plays without any slo-mo. If something catches my eye onscreen, it is fair game to go back and rewatch what was noticed in the first place. And in order for me to confirm what I find, I do pause, and may take screenshots. By the way, I've seen this movie countless times over the years, and it was just a matter of catching that glimpse of the color blue because it popped out against the dreary surroundings. I'll leave it up to Jon whether to move it to trivia or not.

Super Grover

Fair enough :).


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: During Lao Che's car chase, when Short Round pulls up behind the rickshaw and slams on the accelerator, in the next shot just as the car speeds up, we can see the metal bar at the bottom front of the car leading to underneath the rickshaw, for the stunt. Then, when the rickshaw crashes we can see the small third wheel at the base of the rickshaw's seat, allowing it to lean all the way back and roll on the ground for the stunt.

Super Grover

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: While clinging to the hanging bridge, just as Indy tries to grab Mola Ram's foot in the closeup we can see Indy's red harness and the wire cable protruding from his shirt. Then after Mola Ram orders his archers to shoot, when Short Round and Willie are shouting at Indy we can see a bit of Shorty's safety cable protruding from his shirt, and it's seen again after Mola Ram falls onto Indy, when Willie and Shorty are shouting once more.

Super Grover

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the wide shot as Willie sits down after Lao shouts at her, you can very briefly see a member of the crew lift his head as he pulls the chair across the floor as she sits. (00:05:15)

Visible crew/equipment: When Indy enters the dungeon, he is using a match to lighten the writing on the wall. You can see the shadow of his whole arm which shouldn't be visible if that match was the light source. (00:53:15)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Indy appears at the entrance of the mining caves to free the enslaved children, he punches out one of the guards and he goes flying in the air and across the gravel. You can see two suspension wires attached to the actor to drag him back through the dirt. (01:27:45)

Lynette Carrington

Visible crew/equipment: When Indy is on the rope bridge at the end, his sword keeps reflecting the white lights being used to illuminate the scene. The sun wouldn't be at the angle he's reflecting as it would be up in the sky, not behind the camera where this light source is.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: After Willie spits in Indy's face it cuts to Short Round running through the mine, and just as Shorty turns his head toward the camera behind him, we can catch a glimpse of something blue which does not belong in this dark dreary environment, at the right side of the screen. There is a tall spotlight and two crew members, one is wearing a solid blue shirt and a cap, and the other a blue/white striped shirt with white pants. (01:21:25)

Super Grover

Upvote valid corrections to help move entries into the corrections section.

Suggested correction: This takes place in milliseconds and there's no way to see it unless you pause the image or play it in slo-mo. It should be under trivia.


Right now I have it playing on Netflix, and there is no slow motion. The striped blue shirt is noticeable as it plays without any slo-mo. If something catches my eye onscreen, it is fair game to go back and rewatch what was noticed in the first place. And in order for me to confirm what I find, I do pause, and may take screenshots. By the way, I've seen this movie countless times over the years, and it was just a matter of catching that glimpse of the color blue because it popped out against the dreary surroundings. I'll leave it up to Jon whether to move it to trivia or not.

Super Grover

Fair enough :).


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More quotes from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom trivia picture

Trivia: After the fight in the nightclub, when Indy and Willie make their escape, the name of the club is visible as they drive away - Club Obi Wan - a reference to Star Wars, also by George Lucas.

More trivia for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Question: Does anyone have a translation as to what the Mullaram says during the human sacrifice scenes? He chants something like 'Cully-ma, Cully-ma, Cully-ma sha-ti-day.' Also, what does the human sacrifice say? It sounds like 'Oh num-shi-vye.'

Answer: He says "kali ma, shakti day". This is hindi and means (literally) "black mother, give me power/strength". "Ohm nama Shivaya" means "I bow to Shiva." Both are Hindi.

More questions & answers from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

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