Home Alone 3

Character mistake: When Jernigan chases the car, he tells the team, "It's heading south on Adams." The toy car then turns left, which means that the car should be heading east. However, Jernigan tells the team that the car is headed west.

Character mistake: In the opening scene where Olek Krupa is looking at flight departures at San Francisco Airport, you can briefly see two entries that say "San Frnsicso." (00:05:30)

Audio problem: Near the end of the movie when the parrot is going to light the firecrackers, he is talking perfectly even though he has a match in his mouth. (01:30:35)


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Alex: Excuse me for being a good citizen.

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Trivia: At one point in time, the movie was going to be made for television and serve as a backdoor pilot for a potential "Home Alone" TV series. But this idea was dropped for a traditional theatrical film. The following movie, "Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House," was written to be a stand-alone movie but was retooled to serve as a backdoor pilot for a potential TV series. (Which of course never happened).


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Question: In the garage, Beaupre yells something to Alex in a foreign lanuage after ripping the toy car apart. Does anybody know what he says?


Chosen answer: Where is the chip?

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