Galaxy Quest

Continuity mistake: In the electronic store sale scene where Jason is trying to convince his cast mates to help the Thermians, a quick shot of him shows him bending very low at the table, then suddenly he is almost standing erect.


Continuity mistake: When the Thermians enter the bridge to witness the ship being taken out of the spaceport, Guy is standing in front of and above Teb, but when the shot changes, Guy is now standing behind Laredo and on Teb's right.


Continuity mistake: At the dinner table, when Mathesar is speaking about their former commander, the fork Jason holds in his left hand instantly switches position several times.


Continuity mistake: When Fred is giving Guy the "comic relief" pep talk, his left hand is on the left side of Guy's chest, but then the view changes to Guy's right side and Fred's left hand is now on the right side of Guy's chest, where it remains until Fred turns Guy and they walk out of the scene.


Continuity mistake: When the Thermians meet the crewmen in their true form, Fleegman instantly changes position from standing erect to slouching.


Continuity mistake: As Mathesar speaks to Jason by the sliding glass door, he changes position and distance from Jason and the door.


Continuity mistake: When Guy is introducing the actors at the start of the movie, while he is saying Jason's name, to the right of the screen you can see that Guy is holding a glass of water with lemon. The camera then cuts to an overhead shot of the whole crowd and Guy can be seen clapping with nothing in his hands.

Continuity mistake: When they are rolling the beryllium sphere back to the ship, Fred has his paper bag in his mouth in some shots and it disappears completely in others.

Continuity mistake: When Jason gets in the limo with the Thermians, the limo starts off having no license plate and changes to a California plate between shots.

Continuity mistake: At the end, when the crew is bowing to the fans, Sigourney is shown moving her right leg back a small bit. However, when they show them standing up from the bow, her right leg is fully crossed behind her.

Continuity mistake: After destroying Sarris' ship with mines, we see Guy Fleegman standing to the left by himself as the "aliens" come off the elevator to congratulate them. In the next scene, he is now standing between Alexander and Gwen.

Continuity mistake: When the 4 "nerds" first approach the captain to talk about their supposed problem the girl is standing in a different place than when they cut back. In a later scene the girl is in this position and I believe they reshot the earlier scene while they were doing the later scene. (00:07:30)

Continuity mistake: During the opening sequence of Alexander storming out of the back rooms, you can see Tommy help keep him there. However within the next shot as they Call Gwen to the stage, you can see Tommy and the whole crew out on stage but Alexander and the Commander are still having the same dialogue. (00:04:10 - 00:05:00)

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Guy Fleegman: I'm not even supposed to be here! I'm just "Crewman Number Six"! I'm expendable! I'm the guy in the episode who dies to prove how serious the situation is! I've gotta get outta here!

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Question: In the film's trailer, I saw several scenes and special effects that were not in the final cut. Does anyone know about these shots? I am assuming they were cut close to the films release to cut back on time.

Answer: There didn't seem to be any special f/x that were in the trailer that weren't included in the film itself. The only shots that were certainly not in the film was the opening shot that shows the aliens watching one of the Galaxy quest shows and when the narrator introduces Sigourney Weaver where she is showing off her chest (which is a deleted scene on the DVD). Your explanation of why they are not there is the most likely reason they were cut.


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