A Fish Called Wanda

Continuity mistake: When Ken crashes into the garbage can to avoid hitting the witness' dog, you see garbage being strewn all over the front of his car, but not in it. The camera angle changes and you now see Ken throwing garbage out of the driver's side after opening the door to get out. (01:03:29)


Continuity mistake: When Otto pulls Ken into the hallway to talk to him, he pushes him up against the wall and places his left hand flat on the wall. The camera angle changes and his hand is now wrapped around the edge of the wall. The camera angle changes again and his hand is flat on the wall again. Happens about 3 times during the entire scene. (00:25:18)


Continuity mistake: When Otto is hanging Archie upside down outside the window, as Archie apologises, you can see Otto's thumb visible as he is holding Archie's legs. When it cuts to a close-up of Otto Archie's trousers are now covering Otto's thumb. (01:00:10)


Continuity mistake: When the Doberman grabs the dog there is nobody in the background behind the old lady. When it cuts to the Doberman running away there is suddenly a couple walking in the background. (00:51:15)


Continuity mistake: When Otto and Wanda returns to Ken's apartment and Wanda is changing clothes, as Otto says he might get jealous, Wanda reaches into the closet with one hand. When it cuts she has both her hands in the closet. (00:21:30)


Continuity mistake: When they enter the vault you can see a pencil holder with two pencils in it. A blue and a red one. A few shots later we see the holder again and a green pencil has appeared. (00:07:40)


Continuity mistake: When Archie gets into the barrel, you see a large amount of the waste oil spill out and the top level drops about 2-3 inches below the rim. The camera angle changes and the top level is now all the way up to the rim and overflowing. (01:40:36)


Continuity mistake: When Ken tells Wanda that George moved the diamonds, he starts to stutter and Wanda starts to kiss him to calm him down and you see Wanda putting her left arm around his neck. The camera angle changes and she is now holding his face with both hands. (00:27:27)


Continuity mistake: Right before Wanda sees where Ken puts the key, she and Otto are in the bedroom and Otto starts kissing her after he starts speaking Italian. You see Wanda holding his face in her hands and when the camera angle changes her right hand is now pressed up against the wall behind her and her left hand is now on his shoulder. (00:22:28)


Continuity mistake: When Otto is about to open the safe he stops the wheel at '20'. When he opens it it's back on '0' without him having touching it. (00:13:45)


Audio problem: When Otto is being run over by the steam roller at the airport, he starts screaming as he is being run over and when the camera angle changes you can still hear him screaming but the stuntman's lips aren't moving as the steam roller goes over him and he's sinking into the wet cement. (01:43:00)


Continuity mistake: Right before the Doberman grabs one of the witness' dogs, all 3 dogs are near each other, but when the angle changes 2 of the dogs are behind the witness and the dog that the Doberman grabs is in front of her. The angle changes again and the other 2 dogs are now in front of the witness again as the Doberman runs off with the other dog. (00:53:22)


Continuity mistake: When the family walks into the flat and Archie is naked, he grabs a picture and puts it in front of him and you see his arms bent. The camera angle changes to a rear shot and his arms are now straight. The camera angle changes again and his arms are bent again. Happens about 3 times throughout the scene. (01:14:28)


Continuity mistake: When Archie gets the locket in his mouth, he lays his head on the ground and you can see pearls near his head. His wife runs up to him to help him and the pearls have moved and there is now a silver chalis in front of the pearls. (01:09:54)


Continuity mistake: Right before Otto hits Archie during Archie's staged robbery at his house, Archie runs by a door and you can see his shadow on the door moving. You then see the shadow disappear and then a few seconds later you hear Otto talking and another shadow appears on the door. This was defintely where they stopped and then started the camera. (01:07:49)


Continuity mistake: When Archie breaks into his house to stage a robbery, you see him break the window of the door and most of the glass falls onto the ground. When Otto is seen walking into the door a few seconds later, there is more glass left in the door then there was when Archie walked in. (01:06:45)


Continuity mistake: When Wanda goes to Archie's office, she sits down to talk to him about procedures and during the scene the books on his desk change position as the camera angle changes. (00:30:05)


Continuity mistake: When Otto throws Wanda onto the bed in Ken's apartment, the sun is shining on the bed on the side of Wanda's head. When it cuts the sun is gone. (00:21:50)


Continuity mistake: When Ken tells Otto they can pick up the loot at Heathrow and get away all thanks to him, he points out his hand to touch Otto's noose. At that time his thumb is in touch with his middle finger. When it cuts his thumb is sticking out. (01:18:45)


Continuity mistake: When Archie "reveals" he is George's lawyer Wanda's yellow pencil marker is lying on her notebook in front of her, and when she says "I can watch you work now" she lifts the marker up. However, when it cuts the marker is back on the notebook in precisely the same position as the previous shot. (00:29:40)


More quotes from A Fish Called Wanda
More trivia for A Fish Called Wanda

Question: Is George's Oscar Wilde quotation, "We won't have to look for work, and it won't have to look for us," genuine? (Never trust a criminal, I know).

Louisa Radice

Answer: I did an Internet search for this quote, including checking best-quotations.com, and the only reference of it I can find is tied to the movie. I do not think this is an Oscar Wilde quote. If I find something, I'll update this, as it's possibly a line from one of his plays or novels that just doesn't happen to be online. Someone else might know.


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