A Fish Called Wanda

Plot hole: Shortly after the robbery, Kevin Kline and Jamie Lee Curtis get together in a little flat and Kline calls the police from a landline to tell them who committed the robbery. In England this would immediately lead the police to the flat from which the call was made, and the person reporting the robbery would be the first person the police would want to find and speak to. Otto has handed it to them on a plate. (00:12:29)

Plot hole: Archie goes from being waist-deep in a barrel of oil to walking onto the airplane and sitting next to Wanda. She greets him, etc. But there's no oil on his pants, no logical question by Wanda: What the heck happened?

Plot hole: Wanda takes an unmarked (established earlier) safety deposit key to the hotel, and somehow the hotel staff not only know what safety deposit box it fits, but allow them access even though they didn't open the 'account'.

Continuity mistake: After Ken reverses the steamroller after running Otto over with it, you can see a red patch signifying his splattered body in front of the roller. However, a few scenes later, Otto is seen alive. (Otto was originally meant to die, until test audience feedback influenced a change of mind on the part of the filmmakers.)


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Trivia: The real name of the actor who plays George Thomason in the film is Tom Georgeson. His character name was definitely a play on his real name.


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Question: Why was the American Special Edition recalled?

Answer: The Deluxe Edition that was supposed to come out on 8/1 has been delayed to 10/10 due to MGM changing their distributer.


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