A Fish Called Wanda

Visible crew/equipment: When George enters Ken's apartment the first time and Wanda approaches him, if you look in the mirror you should be able to see a crouching crew member wearing a blue shirt. (00:03:15)


A Fish Called Wanda mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: After Ken kills the last dog and the witness has a heart attack, he walks out of the house he was in and in the reflection of the black door you can see a crew member and a camera. (01:19:35)


Visible crew/equipment: After Ken tells Wanda that Otto tried to kiss him, right before it cuts, you can see the shadow of the boom mike reflected in the mirror right above Ken's ear. (00:26:55)


Visible crew/equipment: After Otto tells Ken his stutter doesn't bother him, he says "So, George needs a weapons man?" while Ken reaches into the fish tank. Look to the side of Ken's head, you should briefly see the shadow of the boom mic moving. (00:03:00)


Visible crew/equipment: After the robbery when everyone, except Ken, drives away in the car you can see the entire crew reflected in the car's back window. (00:09:55)


A Fish Called Wanda mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Outside court when Archie is talking to a man, Wanda is standing behind them wearing a fake wig. When the man leaves, if you look in the window behind them to the right, you should be able to see the boom mike operator wearing a red shirt. (00:38:25)


A Fish Called Wanda mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Wendy arrives home, before finding Archie unconscious on the floor, as she gets out of the car, the crew is reflected in the side mirror of the car. (01:06:15)


Visible crew/equipment: When George enters Ken's apartment the first time and Wanda approaches him, if you look in the mirror you should be able to see a crouching crew member wearing a blue shirt. (00:03:15)


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Question: Why was the American Special Edition recalled?

Answer: The Deluxe Edition that was supposed to come out on 8/1 has been delayed to 10/10 due to MGM changing their distributer.


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