A Fish Called Wanda

Continuity mistake: After discussing the plan about the robbery, Otto gets up while Wanda and George kiss. Wanda removes her hand from George's neck but when it cuts her hand is back on his neck. (00:06:15)


Continuity mistake: After Wanda gets the key, she picks up the phone to pretend she's getting a call and you see her standing there with her right hand at her side. The camera angle changes and her right hand is now grasping her left arm. (00:26:38)


Continuity mistake: As the witness is crossing the street at the crosswalk, you can see that the crosswalk is located at the number 57 house. Ken crashes his car into the garbage can and the crosswalk is now seen at the 61 house. (01:03:17)


Continuity mistake: When Otto is trying to drive away in Archie's car he gets into an accident and then he shoots the hat off the owner of the other car. The problem is that he aims and shoots the gun almost 4 feet to the right of where the man is standing and the hat is still shot off his head. (01:34:14)


Continuity mistake: When Ken is telling Otto that everything is going to work out thanks to him, you see him poke Otto's nose with his right hand and then lower his hand to his side. The camera angle changes and Ken's hand is back up again below his face. (01:22:01)


Continuity mistake: Ken goes to feed the fish and say hello to Wanda. The camera angle changes and you now see fish swimming around and a skull on the bottom of the tank that were not seen when he was feeding the fish. (00:01:20)


Continuity mistake: The flight to Rio is leaving at Gate 14, but you see Wanda going in the wrong direction even though there is a sign in front of her that says Gate 14 is in the opposite direction that she is going. (01:38:49)


Continuity mistake: When Otto tells Ken that he's gay and tries to kiss him, Ken runs down the stairs and they both stop in front of the elevator where you see Ken leaning back flat against the metal part on the elevator. The camera angle changes and Ken is now seen standing at an angle against the wooden part of the elevator. (00:26:06)


Audio problem: As Otto throws the knife on to the seal poster you can hear the knife blade vibrating, however the knife isn't moving. (00:03:45)


Continuity mistake: When Wanda is yelling at Otto at the docks, you see a barge with blue containers in the background behind Otto. The camera angle changes to Wanda walking over to Otto and the barge is gone. (01:04:58)


A Fish Called Wanda mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During the trial, George calls Wanda a b*tch and runs towards her, jumping on the tables. The actor is replaced by a very obvious stuntman: younger, with a fuller moustache, and with longer and darker hair.


Continuity mistake: Ken is trying to kill the witness and crashes his car against a garbage container. The garbage swaps from being on the center of the hood to on the left side depending on the angle.


Revealing mistake: When Otto is shooting at the security camera we can see on the security screen that he isn't pointing directly at the camera, but to the side of the camera. (00:07:10)


Continuity mistake: When Ken enters his apartment while Wanda and Otto are in the bedroom, she puts a towel around her head. The way the towel is around her head changes between shots. (00:23:10)


Continuity mistake: After Archie gets out of the barrel of oil, he is then seen running around on the tarmac under the jet looking for a way to get on, but he's not dripping anywhere and he's leaving no oily footprints. (01:39:05)

Continuity mistake: When Otto is holding Archie upside down from the window, you see Archie's right foot pressed up against the back of Otto's ear. The camera angle changes and his foot is now further back from his ear, more towards the back of his head. (01:02:42)


Continuity mistake: As Otto is driving up to Archie's house to apologize, you do not see the lamp post's reflection in the driver's side rear passenger window. When Otto gets out of the car, you see that he is parked along side a lamp post that you would have seen when he was pulling up to the house because it is right in front of that window. (01:06:03)


Continuity mistake: When Otto puts the apple on one of the employees' heads during the robbery, the employee is seen standing right next to the door of the cage. The camera angle changes and he is now seen standing more to the left in front of the next section of cage. (00:08:40)


Continuity mistake: As the gang is robbing the jewelry exchange the clock on the wall never changes from 9:10 even though they were in there for about 10 mins. (00:07:55)


Otto: I'm, uh, Harvey. Manfred... Jen... Sen... Den.

More quotes from A Fish Called Wanda
More trivia for A Fish Called Wanda

Question: Is George's Oscar Wilde quotation, "We won't have to look for work, and it won't have to look for us," genuine? (Never trust a criminal, I know).

Louisa Radice

Answer: I did an Internet search for this quote, including checking best-quotations.com, and the only reference of it I can find is tied to the movie. I do not think this is an Oscar Wilde quote. If I find something, I'll update this, as it's possibly a line from one of his plays or novels that just doesn't happen to be online. Someone else might know.


More questions & answers from A Fish Called Wanda

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