A Fish Called Wanda

Continuity mistake: Right after Ken runs over Otto in the steamroller, Archie starts running away and in the background you see the steamroller being put into reverse. The camera angle changes to a closeup of Ken and the steamroller is going forward. (01:43:09)


Continuity mistake: When Otto is watching Ken walking away and yelling that he loves watching him walk, there is a blue van parked in the street. The camera angle changes to Otto and then back to Ken and the van is gone. (00:39:40)


Continuity mistake: When Wanda is at Archie's office she is holding a yellow pencil marker in her right hand while Archie is explaining what a "Committal" is. When it cuts she is holding it with both hands. (00:29:10)


Continuity mistake: Right after the holdup they are seen getting into the second getaway car. You see Wanda getting in the passenger side and closing the door right before the police car passes in front of them. The camera angle changes to the police car passing and then back to the gang getting into the car and you see Wanda getting in the car and closing the door again. (00:10:11)


Continuity mistake: After Ken has killed the last dog the rope is stacked on one side of the box that dropped on the dog. When it cuts from an overhead shot the rope is stacked on the other side of the box. (01:16:00)


Continuity mistake: In the visiting room at jail when Wanda ask George if he thinks Otto sold him out, she says "No" three times. The last time she says "No" her earring is hardly moving. When it cuts to behind her the earring is wobbling. (00:17:00)


Continuity mistake: When Otto wakes up he shoots the alarm clock holding the gun with one hand and turning around. When it cuts you can briefly seem him holding it with both hands. (00:00:55)


Continuity mistake: When Otto is splashing with the brush in the fish tank his cap gets wet. A few seconds later his cap is dry. (00:21:05)


Visible crew/equipment: After Ken tells Wanda that Otto tried to kiss him, right before it cuts, you can see the shadow of the boom mike reflected in the mirror right above Ken's ear. (00:26:55)


Continuity mistake: When Ken is writing on the newspaper which hotel Otto and Wanda went to, he places his left hand on the paper. When it cuts to a close-up of him writing his hand is gone. (01:32:10)


Continuity mistake: The 2 bottles and glass in front of Wanda as she's using the calculator change when the camera angle changes to a side view. (00:05:18)


Continuity mistake: During the funeral for the witness' dog, you see her standing there with a friend standing directly behind her with her arm on her for emotional support. The camera angle changes and the friend is now standing along side of her. (00:53:43)


Visible crew/equipment: After Otto tells Ken his stutter doesn't bother him, he says "So, George needs a weapons man?" while Ken reaches into the fish tank. Look to the side of Ken's head, you should briefly see the shadow of the boom mic moving. (00:03:00)


Visible crew/equipment: After the robbery when everyone, except Ken, drives away in the car you can see the entire crew reflected in the car's back window. (00:09:55)


Audio problem: When Wanda asks Ken if he's heard from George Ken stutters "No, he had to go to the b-b-b", as it cuts we can see his mouth is closed. It's impossible to say "b" with your mouth closed. (00:02:50)


Continuity mistake: At the airport when Otto is pointing the gun at Archie, he is pointing the gun straight at Archie. When it cuts to Otto firing the first shot he is pointing the gun diagonally. (01:36:00)


Continuity mistake: When Wanda arrives at Archie's house, Archie is sitting on the couch going through some papers. There is a pink ribbon on the arm rest which changes position between the shots. (00:41:45)


More quotes from A Fish Called Wanda
More trivia for A Fish Called Wanda

Question: Is George's Oscar Wilde quotation, "We won't have to look for work, and it won't have to look for us," genuine? (Never trust a criminal, I know).

Louisa Radice

Answer: I did an Internet search for this quote, including checking best-quotations.com, and the only reference of it I can find is tied to the movie. I do not think this is an Oscar Wilde quote. If I find something, I'll update this, as it's possibly a line from one of his plays or novels that just doesn't happen to be online. Someone else might know.


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