Fight Club

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Revealing mistake: Towards the end of the film, when the narrator and Tyler are fighting in the basement, Tyler slams the narrator's head into the wall by the van. For a split second, before the shot changes, the 'concrete' wall visibly buckles inwards. (02:03:35)


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Narrator: I wanted to put a bullet between the eyes of every panda who wouldn't screw to save his species, I wanted to dump oil over all those French beaches I'd never see, I wanted to breath smoke... I felt like destroying something beautiful.

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Trivia: When the Narrator turns himself in to the police and explains the goal of Project Mayhem, he is interrogated by four detectives. The three that then try to kill him are named in the credits as Detectives Andrew, Kevin and Walker. Andrew Kevin Walker penned the script for Seven, which David Fincher also directed.

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Question: What is the meaning of the penguin and Marla saying 'Sly' in the cave?

Answer: The penguin says "slide" and then slides on its belly. Marla repeats it later. I believe they are telling him to let go and be Tyler.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Penguin is a manifestation of the "happy place" in his head. He seeks comfort in others grieving and this is what is helping him feel again. As someone else stated "slide" is the statement that is uttered. Marla is invading his grieving time and this is a manifestation of it. He can't even get away from her in his meditation, so he ends up leaving it altogether.

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