Fight Club

Trivia: There are several places where Edward Norton sees Brad Pitt for a split second before he actually meets him - beside the photocopy machine, talking to the doctor, at the testicular cancer group, when Marla is in the alley, and when watching TV when the waiters say "Welcome". Also Tyler is the one who steals the Camaro after Tyler and the narrator meet for the first time.

Trivia: When the Narrator turns himself in to the police and explains the goal of Project Mayhem, he is interrogated by four detectives. The three that then try to kill him are named in the credits as Detectives Andrew, Kevin and Walker. Andrew Kevin Walker penned the script for Seven, which David Fincher also directed.

Trivia: In the very last scene, a few frames show a picture of a man's penis, just as he refers to in the movie. It is very obvious, no freeze-framing is necessary.

Trivia: When Tyler *69s the payphone, a zoom shot shows the phone in close up. A label on the phone says 'No incoming calls accepted' - one of the first clues as to what's really going on.

Trivia: When The Narrator comes back from work, Tyler Durden can be heard with Marla upstairs having sex. The phone rings and when The Narrator picks it up the boisterous romping upstairs abruptly stops. This is a hint regarding the twist revealed later in the film. (00:55:52)

Trivia: When The Narrator is on the toilet and ordering furniture, he's wearing plaid boxers. When Tyler goes to pee in the soup, he's wearing white boxers. For the rest of the movie, The Narrator is wearing Tyler's underwear: when he's washing his pants and talking to Marla, and when he's running around without pants in the first and last scenes.

Trivia: The scene showing Tyler and The Narrator hitting golf balls outside the house is actually footage of Ed Norton and Brad Pitt drunk and hitting things at the on-site catering van.

Trivia: The film takes place in Wilmington, Delaware - most credit card companies and 70% of Fortune 500 companies are headquartered here, which makes Tyler's plan a little more plausible. Although it is never directly stated that it takes place in Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware City, and Penns Grove, NJ, which are all very close to Wilmington, are mentioned in the car-smashing scene. The business card of Paper Street Soap Co. also has the zip code of 19806 which is for Wilmington, Delaware.

Trivia: The name of Edward Norton is not mentioned at all throughout the movie. The name 'Jack', often believed to be his name, is simply taken from a series of magazine articles that he and Tyler read early on and subsequently make references to throughout the film. The name 'Jack' was also used as the name of the Narrator in the screenplay.

Trivia: After the Narrator beats himself up in his boss's office, there's a shot of him carrying out computers and fax machines. Everyone looks at him with surprise and disgust, but you can spot Ricky, a co-worker who's also in Fight Club, as the only one smiling.

Trivia: All instances of product placement are accompanied by acts of violence.


Fight Club trivia picture

Trivia: On the DVD there is a red warning screen - if you keep watching the writing changes to become a letter from Tyler.


Trivia: Paper Street, as in the street where Tyler and the Narrator live, is a cartographer's tool on maps to signify a street that doesn't exist anywhere except on a map, meaning an imaginary street, or a future planned street.

Fight Club trivia picture

Trivia: When Edward Norton is putting 'Marla' on the bus, in the background you can see a movie theatre playing 'Seven Year in Tibet' [sic] (with Brad Pitt) and across the street another marquee for 'Wings of the Dove' (with Helena Bonham Carter).

Trivia: When Ed Norton has left Marla's apartment after checking her for cancer he runs into Bob outside. In their whole conversation the words 'I Like Myself' are visible all over the wall behind them, written in graffiti. You have to look carefully as only bits of the writing are shown. I just thought this was interesting as it leads in with the plot of the story.

Trivia: When Tyler Durden walks among the Fight Club members and says something like "We were raised to think that someday we will become movie gods..." and when he continued with "rock stars" he was looking at Jared Leto's character, Angel Face. I found it kind of funny since he is the lead singer of the rock band 30 Seconds to Mars.

Trivia: Straight after Ed Norton says, in voiceover, "After fighting everything in your life gets the volume turned down," his boss says two things. The first thing is purposely inaudible and the second is "Have you finished those reports?" However, the first thing that his boss says is actually "What are you getting yourself into every week?" possibly one more indication that people are picking up on what is happening and that Ed Norton is rejecting reality.

Fight Club trivia picture

Trivia: As The Narrator is watching the promotional hotel video in his suite, an army of white-jacked servants come on screen to welcome the guest to their happy place of business. Front row, far right happens to be Brad Pitt. This is in no way to further the plot, it was just a silly inclusion that no one seems to catch (as states Pitt on the DVD commentary). (00:20:17)

Trivia: Rosie O'Donnell saw an early screening of this film and was so put-off by it that she decided to spoil its ending on her talk show. This could be a contributing factor as to why the film ended up being a box office flop.


Revealing mistake: Towards the end of the film, when the narrator and Tyler are fighting in the basement, Tyler slams the narrator's head into the wall by the van. For a split second, before the shot changes, the 'concrete' wall visibly buckles inwards. (02:03:35)


More mistakes in Fight Club

Tyler Durden: The first rule of fight club: You don't talk about fight club. The second rule of fight club: You do NOT talk about fight club.

More quotes from Fight Club

Question: What is the meaning of the penguin and Marla saying 'Sly' in the cave?

Answer: The penguin says "slide" and then slides on its belly. Marla repeats it later. I believe they are telling him to let go and be Tyler.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Penguin is a manifestation of the "happy place" in his head. He seeks comfort in others grieving and this is what is helping him feel again. As someone else stated "slide" is the statement that is uttered. Marla is invading his grieving time and this is a manifestation of it. He can't even get away from her in his meditation, so he ends up leaving it altogether.

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