Fight Club

Fight Club (1999)

30 mistakes

(13 votes)

Fight Club mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the film when Tyler throws Ed Norton down the steps we get the view from a security camera, however we can see the camera we are supposed to be looking through in the top right hand corner. (02:09:10)

Revealing mistake: Before the final fight scene between Tyler and the narrator, Edward Norton points a gun at Tyler telling him to step away from the van. Tyler breaks the key and throws it away. When this shot is seen through the security footage, then in the far left security computer screen we can see that there is already a gun shot hole in the back window of the van, and there is also some random guy walking in the top left corner of the screen. (02:07:35)

Continuity mistake: When they are preparing to confront the City Councilman, Brad Pitt's character pulls him in to the bathroom. If you really look at the locks on the door you see that as he is pulling him in there is no deadbolt lock, but when the Councilman is halfway in through the mirror you can see that the same door has a deadbolt lock. (01:33:45)

Continuity mistake: When Tyler Durden goes to Marla's apartment to prevent her suicide, he removes a cigarette from his mouth and gestures as if he is throwing it down on the floor at the top of the stairs. Then the cigarette is back in his mouth when he proceeds to the door, at which point he really does throw it down on the floor. (00:50:30)

Continuity mistake: When Marla's wearing the wedding dress, she grabs Rupert by the crotch. The second shot, a cigarette suddenly appears In her hand out of nowhere. (00:47:00 - 00:48:00)

Local Celebrity

Continuity mistake: When the narrator first meets Bob, Bob starts telling him how he used steroids. In one shot we see the narrator's right hand is resting at the middle of Bob's back, but in the next shot we see his right hand at the top of Bob's back and a little above his armpit. (00:08:10)

Continuity mistake: After Bob is shot in the head, we see his corpse with half his head missing, but before that we see a flashback of him getting shot, and it just looks like he was shot in the back, no blood or flesh exits his head.


Visible crew/equipment: Tyler and the narrator are walking to the house for the first time. This shot tracks along the road. The camera track can be seen on the road (metal pipes), and the camera stops where you'd expect the end of the track to be.


Continuity mistake: At the end of the film, when Ed and Brad are fighting in the parking garage, as Brad punches and throws Ed around like a rag doll, Ed's face goes back and forth between being caked in blood and being clean from shot to shot.

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Suggested correction: His face goes back and forth between being clean and bloody, because he is imagining the fight.

I'd disagree with this correction. The fact that he's throwing himself around in the scene, as seen through the security camera footage, implies that he's also hitting himself in the way's he imagines Tyler is. Unless he's pulling his punches, which I doubt, he would still have the bloodied face.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Ed Norton discovers that Meat Loaf's character has been killed, you can clearly see him breathing in the long shot while he is lying dead on the table. (01:46:15)

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Trivia: When the Narrator turns himself in to the police and explains the goal of Project Mayhem, he is interrogated by four detectives. The three that then try to kill him are named in the credits as Detectives Andrew, Kevin and Walker. Andrew Kevin Walker penned the script for Seven, which David Fincher also directed.

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Question: What is the meaning of the penguin and Marla saying 'Sly' in the cave?

Answer: The penguin says "slide" and then slides on its belly. Marla repeats it later. I believe they are telling him to let go and be Tyler.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Penguin is a manifestation of the "happy place" in his head. He seeks comfort in others grieving and this is what is helping him feel again. As someone else stated "slide" is the statement that is uttered. Marla is invading his grieving time and this is a manifestation of it. He can't even get away from her in his meditation, so he ends up leaving it altogether.

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