
Factual error: During the riots and the start of the film a model of armoured car and grenade launcher are seen, which were not manufactured until the 1970's.

David Mercier

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie, the priest hands Evita a goblet of wine. Before she can drink, she faints. the goblet drops to the floor but it is empty. (01:45:50)

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Suggested correction: I'm sorry but the goblet is not empty. When she drops it on the floor you can see a small splash of a dark coloured liquid on the marble floor of the church. People may assume that there should be more visible liquid from the goblet but if Evita was the only one taking of the wine, then there would be only a small amount inside the goblet.


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Eva Perón: Don't cry for me, Argentina.

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Trivia: Madonna holds the record for the most number of costume changes in a film. The record was previously held by Elizabeth Taylor for the 1963 film Cleopatra (65 costume changes). In Evita, Madonna changed costumes 85 times (which included 39 hats, 45 pairs of shoes and 56 pairs of earrings).

Jedd Jong

More trivia for Evita

Question: What does the Latin chant in "Oh What a Circus" translate to? (The "salve regina" bit?)

Answer: As I recall they sing the English right after the Latin, but, in any case, it's a variation of a well known Gregorian Chant. The English from the movie is: Hail, oh queen, mother of mercy / Our life, sweetness, and hope / Hail, hail, oh queen / To you we cry, exiled sons of Eve / To you we sigh, mourning and weeping / Oh clement, oh loving one.


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