
Visible crew/equipment: In the Reactor Room scene, where the Marines first encounter the aliens, there's a part where Dietrich is grabbed from behind and accidentally ignites Frost with her flamethrower, causing him to fall down the stairwell. As he's falling, if you look, you can see part of a leg and a cable belonging to one of the technicians on the set. (01:14:05)

Visible crew/equipment: Throughout the sequence when the female pilot is preparing to drop the ship with Ripley and the marines on down to LV426, you can see a crewmember in her reflective sunglasses.

Jack Vaughan

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene at the colony when a large vehicle approaches the camera, the reflection of someone's face can be seen showing the true scale of the miniature.


Visible crew/equipment: When an alien rises out of the water to kidnap Newt, you can see two wires lifting its tail out of the water.

Visible crew/equipment: When Ripley is first shown in the loader after asking Apone if she can help, after the loaders claws grab the crate and she swings the crate around and asks "where you want it?" you can see tubes trailing off to the left of the loader that don't connect to anything in frame. The tubes are on the right side of the frame just under the crate in the loader's arms.

Visible crew/equipment: During the first attack scene in the hive, a marine gets killed and as he falls between the stairwells, his flamethrower goes off. Just as he falls down into the hold, you can see a crew member's foot moving backwards out of the shot.


Aliens mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Newt is sliding across the grated floor, Bishop reaches out to save her and you can clearly see he's standing in a hole to make him look cut in half. (02:11:40)

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[All ammunition has been confiscated.]
Marine: What are we supposed to use? Harsh language?.

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Trivia: To make the Aliens' blood smoke and burn, the SFX department came up with an idea to put two separate chemicals side by side in bags inside the Alien puppets, on top of the explosives. When the two chemicals mixed together, it created a nasty, acidic burning affect.

More trivia for Aliens

Question: I know that the studio chose James Cameron to direct due to the strength of his script, but why wasn't Ridley Scott offered the chance to direct? And was the studio considering a sequel before Cameron joined?


Answer: It really was all down to James Cameron having already written the script and proving himself capable of directing with 'The Terminator.' It was just a quicker, easier, and almost certainly cheaper decision to let him direct his own script rather than get someone else, even Ridley Scott. While the producers had wanted to make an 'Alien' sequel almost immediately, at the time the head of 20th Century Fox didn't want to pursue it fearing it would be seen as an obvious cash-in and flop. When a new executive at the studio came in a couple years later, the project was put back on track, and I believe Cameron was the first to be approached to write the script.


Chosen answer: The studio was considering a sequel before Cameron was involved, but regarding directing it, Ridley Scott told "The Hollywood" in a 2008 interview, "They didn't ask me! To this day I have no idea why. It hurt my feelings, really, because I thought we did quite a good job on the first one." The studio liked Cameron's script and at that time he had enough clout to be able to insist on directing it.


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