
Other mistake: When the autoguns fire at the aliens for the second time, there is a flashcut of an alien being blasted apart. Watch closely; it's the same clip of the alien that Vasquez shot and subsequently sprayed Drake with acid. (01:18:00)

Other mistake: The POV shot when the alien kills Burke is reused minutes later as the shot of the alien attacking Gorman and Vasquez as the grenade goes off.

Other mistake: When Hudson is looking for bios on the screen, it shows them on level 3. But when Frost falls down the hole after being hit with a flamethrower, he falls down a number of levels.

Other mistake: They should have had much more than only twenty-six minutes to save Newt. Bishop said that the reactor would blow in four hours after seeing the emergency venting. He said it would take forty minutes to crawl down that pipe, an hour to patch into and align the antenna, thirty minutes to prep the ship, and fifty minutes flight time. 40+60+30+50=180 minutes, gives them an hour spare.

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Suggested correction: And how are you so sure everything went smoothly without problems? Any of those things could have taken longer, leaving only 26 minutes.


Continuity mistake: When the Marines first enter the reactor room, the "Mission Time" readout on the shoulder mounted cameras jumps backwards and forwards in time with every cut. (00:54:10)

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[All ammunition has been confiscated.]
Marine: What are we supposed to use? Harsh language?.

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Trivia: Paul Reiser's character Carter Burke was so immediately hated that during the movie's premiere his sister hit him, and when Burke's death occurred, his mom's response was simply "good."

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Question: What ever happens to the female doctor that evaluates Newt? She evaluates Newt, says one line or so, then disappears forever.

William Bergquist

Chosen answer: Down in the tunnels, she is the soldier that says "Maybe they don't show up on infrared at all." and is then grabbed and hoisted to the ceiling by an Alien, discharging her flamethrower and killing the other Marine. Later, Hudson says "The Sarge and Deitrich (the female medic) aren't dead. Their signs are real low but they ain't dead." So she was cocooned and played host for new aliens.

Grumpy Scot

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