
Revealing mistake: When Ripley first burns the egg plants inside the nest, the Queen screams and moves her head. The steel rod used to hold the Queen's head to the rest of her body is easily visible.

Jack Vaughan

Aliens mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Newt is sliding across the grated floor, Bishop reaches out to save her and you can clearly see he's standing in a hole to make him look cut in half. (02:11:40)

Revealing mistake: Right before Ripley discovers all of the eggs that the Alien Queen has laid, look at Newt's fingers as Ripley is carrying her - It's obviously a fake hand. Newt is in fact a dummy in this scene, and others preceding the chase from the Alien Queen. This dummy was created so that Weaver would not get exhausted carrying a real child around for so many scenes/takes.


Revealing mistake: In the Special Edition of the film, in the scene where the Marines are conducting their initial search of the colony, the shot where Hudson and Vasquez enter the "negative situation" room (where they find the hamster) is obviously sped up. You can tell by how quickly Vasquez seems to move when she comes through the door.

Revealing mistake: When Ripley rescues Newt, an alien comes from a corner and it jumps from side to side. In the second jump, you can see two wires on its back. (01:50:30)

Revealing mistake: When the loader is dragged into the airlock by the Queen, during the shot where you see the orange light get smashed on the floor (seconds before it actually falls in), you can see two wires attached to the loader leading off screen.

Jack Vaughan

Revealing mistake: When Bishop is doing his knife trick on Hudson it's obviously fast forwarded as you can clearly see the head of Apone in the background move way too fast for real life. No one can move their head that fast without snapping their neck. (00:21:25)

Revealing mistake: Briefly after landing on the planet, we see the APC trundle across the ground. The way it moves shows it is a model, every little bump makes it jump up and down. This is a shame, considering that when it is inside the facility and in subsequent shots, it looks very good.

David Mercier

Revealing mistake: When the swarm of aliens drops through the ceiling panels, you can tell that Ripley and the marines don't have magazines in their rifles. It's especially visible when Ripley looks up before Hicks raises the panel and sees the aliens.

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Suggested correction: What makes you think there is no magazine in those fake rifles? Ripley's gun has a magazine, visible as she is looking up. Her gun is the only one visible too.


Revealing mistake: The "mission time" clocks on the video screens are very inconsistent most of the time they're seen. At several points they jump back and forth from 00:01:31 to 00:01:32 then back again even though all of them are supposed to be synchronized.


Continuity mistake: When the Marines first enter the reactor room, the "Mission Time" readout on the shoulder mounted cameras jumps backwards and forwards in time with every cut. (00:54:10)

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[All ammunition has been confiscated.]
Marine: What are we supposed to use? Harsh language?.

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Trivia: The name 'Sulaco' was taken from a novel by Joseph Conrad. The name of the novel? 'Nostromo' of course.

More trivia for Aliens

Question: If the company knew about the Aliens from the start and coveted them as a bioweapon, why did it take 57 years and the reappearance of Ripley for someone from the company to make another effort to get one? In the intervening 57 years, wouldn't the company have sent someone out to the derelict spaceship wreckage?

Answer: The company doesn't wait 57 years, they built a colony on the planet over 20 years prior to finding Ripley. The company was apparently unaware of the exact location of the derelict spacecraft. After finding Ripley and obtaining information from her, Burke was able to send the Jorden family to the precise location of the derelict spacecraft.

Answer: For me anyway, the company doesn't seem to be as hostile as they do in Alien. Won't surprise me that in 57 years there has been a change in leadership and they are no longer interested in capturing the alien, Burke seems to operating on his own. Minor plot hole ultimately.

Sam Montgomery

I think the original answer is right and they simply didn't know where the crashed ship was located on the planet since the beacon was deactivated and all information was on the Nostromo and with Ripley. They built a colony there to find it eventually, just takes a long time. Until they got lucky and found Ripley. Burke is definitely not working on his own though, they still knew about the aliens and the original idea still remained, capture aliens and bring them back to study.


Yes that's right, because when Ripley has a run in with Burke he says that this specimen is worth millions to the bio weapons division and if we bring it back we will be made for life.

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