
Corrected entry: Just before landing, Dallas orders the Navigation lights turned on and we see rows of lights lighting up on Nostromo's belly. After landing, Dallas orders the flood lights turned on and we switch again to Nostromo's unlit belly (that should already be lit up with the nav lights) and we see the same rows of lights turned on again.

Correction: The rows of belly lights are seen lit before Dallas requests "navigation lights". Immediately after the order, the four large lamps at the rear of the ship are on (making those the "navigation lights"). The ship then has a very rough landing, taking significant damage (alarms, gas leaks, failing lights), and the next exterior shot shows all outside lights have gone off. After quite a bit of time (and repairs), Dallas requests the flood lights, and the rows of small lights turn on, which makes those the "flood lights".


Corrected entry: When Ripley is in Mother there is a moving shadow of a crew member over her right shoulder in the doorway. This occurs after Mother responds "unable to clarify". (01:19:15)


Correction: No error here. Once Mother tells Ripley the true nature of the mission, we see Ash is now seated next to Ripley. The previous shadow movement was Ash sneaking into the room.

Corrected entry: When Brett is about to be killed by the alien, a close up shot of just his hat is shown when the alien's teeth impale his skull and his brains come pouring out. In slo-mo you can see that an alien hand is holding his head in place as it strikes. A split second later we see Brett's face, but there is no hand anywhere near him nor is the alien reaching out towards him. (01:07:50)


Correction: No, the alien DOES have its hands on his head. It is on the very left of his hat, and is very hard to see, but it is there.

Corrected entry: When Brett is looking for Jonesy (the ship's cat), prior to being killed by the alien, there is a scene as he passes through one of the doorways when the boom mike is clearly visible in the top of the shot. This is from a video viewing.

Correction: It does look like it's a boom microphone, but it's actually just Brett's shadow. You can tell by watching the shadow that appears on the door right as he approaches it.

Corrected entry: When the face sucker alien jumped at Kane it only attached itself to the front of Kane's mask. It did not penetrate the mask. When they get Kane to the Nostromo, the face sucker alien is completely inside his mask and there is a big hole that it entered through. (00:36:20)


Correction: The face-hugger used an acidic excretion to burn its way through the helmet visor. The visor can be seen to be warped by the effect of the acid.


Corrected entry: When Lambert, Kane and Dallas are on the alien ship, before they find the alien corpse I think, you can see jets of gas coming out of their helmets, which is supposed to be them exhaling. Only Lambert doesn't appear to be breathing. Poor lass. (00:27:00)

Correction: We see her breathe several times during the scene. The times we don't? Well, they were in an exciting, scary, suspenseful situation, and Lambert is not exactly fearless, so it is conceivable that she was holding her breath in anticipation of a turn for the worse.

Corrected entry: Why is Lambert the only crew member who managed to get covered in blood? There was even blood on the wall in the background, all the other members were in close around the table and yet their clothes were clean, Parker was even holding on to Kane's arm when the Alien burst out of Kane and yet he also managed to stay clean.


Correction: It's a directional blood spurt that happens to fly in Lambert's direction as the Alien forces its way out. Only the wall behind her gets covered in blood, all the other walls are clean. After the spurt, Ash steps in front of Lambert, so the wall behind him is bloody as well, but it's the same wall.


Corrected entry: When the Alien emerges from Kane's chest, Lambert is splattered with blood, yet when the Alien runs across the table, you can see that Lambert is clean.

Correction: Just after the Alien has burst out Kane, Lambert does have blood on her shirt, Parker picks up a piece of cutlery and is about to attack the Alien, just as he does this, Ash moves forward with his right arm outstretched and says "Don't touch it" At this point Lambert was behind Ash and you can see she still has blood on her shirt, the next shot cuts in with the Alien moving across the table and that is the end of the scene, Lambert was not wearing a clean shirt as the Alien moved across the table.

Corrected entry: In the beginning, when they are trying to take the creature off of Cane's face, acid squirts out and leaves a hole in the floor. Later, when Ripley and Dallas go in to look for the creature, Ripley looks under the table and you can see a clear shot of the floor, but there is no hole.

Correction: In fact you can see that it has been covered with an upside down plastic tray.

Corrected entry: If you look at the opening sequence of the Alien film, where the ship "awakens" and begins turning on computers, you will notice a coffee cup that appears and disappears in front of the computer terminal.

Correction: There are two terminals.

Corrected entry: Normally the face sucker alien is helping the host, Kane, breathe. This is evident by the close up shots where the sacs on the side of his body pulsate. In the panoramic shot the sacs on the side of the face sucker are not pulsating.


Correction: No-one ever said they were pulsating specifically to give Kane air. While it's probably giving him air in some other way, the pulsating is probably just the facehugger ejecting the alien embryo into Kane, which it would only have to do for a little while as opposed to helping him breathe.

Nah, don't think so. The pulsating sacs were helping Kane breathe.

There is no evidence that the pulsating sacs had anything to do with providing Kane air.

Corrected entry: In the infirmary scene where Ash, Dallas, and Ripley are looking for the facehugger that has detached itself from Kane, just at the moment when Ripley is looking under the table where Kane is lying, Dallas is empty-handed, he knocks something over and gives Ripley a fright and says sorry while at the same time holding a light in his right hand that was not there a second or two earlier. (00:47:35)

Correction: He knocks over the container when he picks up the light.


Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, Ripley signs off as the third officer of the Nostromo. This is a technical mistake - as third in command Ripley would be the second officer behind Dallas, the captain and Kane, the first officer.

Correction: While this maybe true for the current military or commercial shipping, we do not know what nomenclature is used in the future. It could easily be the case that in Ripley's time, they are listed in numerical order. Much like the rank 'Inspector' in US law enforcement has different meanings in various police forces around the US (And is now obsolete in many).


Continuity mistake: In the shot of the alien's tail wrapping around the back of Lambert's legs right before it kills her, the floor is different to what it was before, there is water suddenly falling from the ceiling when there wasn't before and her trousers have changed from white to blue. This is because that shot was originally intended to be used when Brett was killed.


More mistakes in Alien

Ripley: Did you ever ship out with Ash before?
Dallas: I went out five times with another science officer. They replaced him two days before we left Thedus with Ash. Hmm?
Ripley: I don't trust him.
Dallas: Well, I don't trust anybody.

More quotes from Alien

Trivia: There is no dialogue in the first six minutes of the movie.

More trivia for Alien

Question: A bit puzzled as to why Ash tried to kill Ripley by stuffing a rolled up magazine in her mouth when he could have strangled her in seconds.

Answer: I believe this was another subtle way for the film to depict that Ash was malfunctioning or at least not fully processing correctly and having problems. It was showing a brutal savagery to his motions as well as an artistic choice for the moment.

Quantom X

Answer: This is just one possibility among many, but Ridley Scott suggested Ash may have been developing latent sexuality that he was not equipped to handle through his programming, and perhaps not physically either; his use of a rolled-up magazine may have come about because he was not constructed with a penis (I had to stop myself from making a pun about "hardware").


I always wondered about this. It always struck me as a little Freudian. Also, notice the picture of the topless lady on the wall - an interesting detail when combined with the phallic paper.

Jack Vaughan

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