
Audio problem: When the car breaks down, Bethany slams the car's seat back to its upright position. Cut to the frontal shot and you can hear the click of the car seat as it goes backwards, even though you could hear and see the seat being put back.

Continuity mistake: The writing on the second book from the left on the right of Bethany's bed changes colours in different scenes.

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Bethany: You're saying that having beliefs is a bad thing?
Rufus: I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier.

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Trivia: Kevin Smith once happened upon a demonstration against this movie by a group of Catholics. Since nobody recognized him, he simply joined in.

Matty Blast

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Question: Metatron tells Bethany that Bartleby and Loki have been clued into a loophole in catholic dogma that would allow them back into heaven. What does he mean by "catholic dogma"?

Answer: Roman Catholic is the oldest of the Christian Churches, and the one from which all others (Eastern Orthodox and Protestant) have separated. Dogma is the core tenets of a given religion, the ideas that make up that religion and which can never be changed, because to do so would destroy the entire belief system (contrasted with doctrine, common beliefs and interpretations held by a church that can change over time). So Catholic dogma is the specific, basic beliefs of the Catholic Church, in this case, "God is infallible."


Yes, the Orthodox Church did separate, but you're false in that the Roman Catholic Church is the oldest of the Christian churches. Historically, the Greek Orthodox Church is the oldest.

The first Pentecost was Shavuot. The first Church was Assembled in the Wilderness. #HolyBartender.

Answer: There is a difference between Catholic with a capital c and catholic with a small c. With a capital c it is in reference to the catholic church. With a small c it is in reference to the christian faith. For example in the protestant apostles creed it says I believe in the holy catholic church meaning the christian faith.

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