
Two fallen angels, Loki and Bartleby, are trying to get back into heaven. However, their method of choice results in the destruction of all human life. A direct descendant of Christ, Bethany, is contacted by Metatron who tells her of the situation. She is the only one that can stop Loki and Bartleby from destroying all humanity. They are helped by Rufus, the thirteenth apostle and by prophets, Jay and Silent Bob. A demon named Azarael is working against them however.

Continuity mistake: The writing on the second book from the left on the right of Bethany's bed changes colours in different scenes.

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Bethany: You're saying that having beliefs is a bad thing?
Rufus: I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier.

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Trivia: Kevin Smith has a love of Spielberg movies and makes reference to them in a number of his movies. In the scene where Silent Bob throws the pair off the train he remarks to a bewildered onlooker 'no ticket'. This is actually the same as in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, where Harrison Ford throws the German guard off the zeppelin and remarks the same line to a bewildered looking couple.

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Question: How do Bartleby and Loki know Rufus? They haven't been in Heaven since they were expelled after killing all the first born sons of Egypt, which happened during Moses' time. Rufus died two years after Christ died and went straight to Heaven. Christ lived and died hundreds of years after Moses. So, presumably, Bartleby and Loki were in Wisconsin when Rufus went to Heaven. How would they recognize him?

Answer: In a scene shortly before, Azrael was telling them about the last scion being sent after them. After that scene cut, he could have mentioned that she had an Apostle with her. That, and, Bartleby was a 'Watcher' Angel (a Gregoriate if I remember correctly), and he can see into people's pasts.


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