Death Becomes Her

Revealing mistake: When Ernest runs away from Lisle, after he nearly drinks the live-forever potion, he runs down a hallway and commences to open a door with a doorknob on the left side of the door. It then cuts to the other side of the door, of Ernest walking through the door (into the party), and now the doorknob is also on the left side of the door, but it should be on the right side. (01:21:35)


Revealing mistake: Towards the end when Helen is about to fall down the stairs of the church (pulling Madeline with her) you can see the rope between her legs that is keeping her in the tipping point position. (01:36:55)

Revealing mistake: When Madeline is at Lisle's place the first time, she has to sit on a couch, next to a young man. Lisle tells him to make room for Madeline. He stands up and you can see a transmitter on his back attached to his pants.

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Suggested correction: This is a security transmitter for the house.

Death Becomes Her mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Meryl Streep "blasts" Goldie Hawn with the shotgun and Goldie falls into the pool of water, she falls in backwards. However, when we see her get up, she is getting up from a face-down position. (01:05:25 - 01:07:10)

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Lisle: Drink that potion, and you'll never grow even one day older. Don't drink it, and continue to watch yourself rot.

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Question: In the scene where Goldie Hawn nearly gets her head run over by the car, how do they get that effect? It just looks far too dangerous to be an actual stunt, but it looks too real to be a bluescreen / split screen effect either.

Gary O'Reilly

Chosen answer: It is a composite shot, with the actor's head added to the scene. They just did a particularly good job on the scene.

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