Death Becomes Her

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Continuity mistake: Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep are fighting over Bruce Willis. Goldie Hawn is wearing a tight shirt and tight pants. Meryl is wearing a shirt with a skirt thingy attached and tight pants. Goldie has a hole through the middle of her abdomen where Streep has shot her earlier. They both grab shovels and start fighting. Bruce Willis starts to walk upstairs and he looks over the side and sees the shadows of the two women fighting. The hole is supposed to be on the shadow with the tight pants which is Goldie. Instead, the hole is shown on the body with the skirt attached to the shirt, which is Meryl. (01:10:20)

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Madeleine: Do you know that they do to soft, bald, overweight Republicans in prison, Ernest?

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Trivia: When Madeleine is in the morgue, we get a shot of a table and on that table is a jar with a brain and formaldehyde in it, and on the jar is a sign and the sign says "abnormal." This is a homage to the film "Young Frankenstein": Dr Frankenstein sent Igor to the morgue to get a specific brain, an intelligent man's brain, but Igor was startled and dropped the intelligent brain, so looked around for another one and he did: He found a brain with the label "abnormal" on it, and that is why the monster was so hard to teach and control.


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Question: When Helen and Madelin are fighting with the shovels, Helen whacks off the end of Madelin's shovel, and then Madelin throws the stick through Helen. How did they achieve this effect?


Chosen answer: CGI, just like any other difficult effect.

Grumpy Scot

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