
Continuity mistake: The setting for the film is a village on top of a high hill; however, the slow running river which supposedly runs next to the village would not be there. Water courses always seek the lowest points which would be in the valley away from the village. You can see from the opening aerial view that the river would have to be far from the hill. (00:03:50)

Continuity mistake: In one scene, Alfred Molina's character forgets he should have a French accent and speaks to the minister, who is gardening, with his best London accent for the whole scene. It's very obvious - the whole cinema started laughing. (01:05:00)

More mistakes in Chocolat

Vianne Rocher: And these are for your husband. Unrefined cacao nips from Guatemala, to awaken the passions.
Yvette Marceau: Psshh. You've obviously never met my husband.
Vianne Rocher: Well, you've obviously never tried these.

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Question: What did the little town have that the mayor wished to preserve?

Answer: The mayor is resistant to any change and tries to subvert any influence that threatens its traditions.

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