
Continuity mistake: When Norma and Helen are in the salon, and they are talking about Carrie going to the prom with Tommy, Norma is getting a fancy hairdo done for the prom. But in the next gym scene, she has her plain braids and a cap on. (00:48:20)


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Suggested correction: When you watch the movie leading up to that event, it's obvious that Norma is a tomboy, and is always wearing a ball cap and wearing her hair like that. It's who she is and perhaps decided after her hair was done that it didn't feel right and decided to go back to her look.


Carrie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Billy Nolan's 1967 Chevrolet Chevelle SS changes to a 1967 Pontiac Firebird with a white vinyl roof, then back to the Chevelle SS as Carrie overturns it. (01:17:50 - 01:21:10)

Continuity mistake: When Carrie makes the ashtray flip off of the Headmasters desk, a mess of ash and cigarettes fall onto the edge of his desk, but in the next overhead shot, the desk is clean. (00:08:45)


Continuity mistake: At the prom scene after the bucket of blood has fallen there is a frontal shot of Carrie without the tiara she had been wearing. The subsequent overhead shot shows the tiara clearly visible. (01:13:10)

Continuity mistake: At the end when Carrie's mom stabs her in the back and she rolls down the stairs,we can see blood on her back.But later when Carrie has telekinetically killed her mom and is dragging her into the closet,the blood has disappeared.

Continuity mistake: When Carrie breaks a mirror in her house late in the movie, you could see it was shattered. When her mother enters, the mirror only has a few cracks in it. If Carrie put the pieces back with her mind, there would be more cracks.

Continuity mistake: When the teacher reads Tommy's poem in class, the position of Carrie's hair constantly changes from in front of, to behind her shoulder. (00:18:45)


Carrie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Billy and Chris are placing the pigs blood above the stage, Billy spills three drops of blood onto Chris' torch, but in the next shot there is only one drop on it. (00:46:00)


Carrie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Carrie's mother locks Carrie in the closet, Carrie takes a box of matches, lights the match, then lights a candle and places the matchbox down on a Bible. In the next shot the matchbox is gone. (00:15:40)


Continuity mistake: After Carrie wreaks havoc on the high school prom and exits the high school Gym at the end keep an eye on the streamers in the windows. They aren't even burning. You can tell the fire is super-imposed by the camera.

Leonard Hassen

Carrie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Billy and Chris are in the car, driving along, there is no rear-view mirror in the car, yet one appears when they pull up and make out. (00:30:40 - 00:33:15)


Continuity mistake: Near the end of the film, between the time Carrie finishes her bath after the prom and the time her mother stabs her, the wetness of Carrie's hair changes from shot to shot. When she first puts on her nightgown, her hair is almost dry; later on, about when her mother says, "We'll pray," her hair is very damp; when her mother stabs her, her hair is almost dry again.

Continuity mistake: When Carrie and her mum are eating apple cake, Carrie tells her mum she's been invited to the prom and her mum puts down her cup of tea, still holdng the handle. In the next shot her hand is away from the cup. (00:43:25)


Continuity mistake: When Carrie is talking to the gym teacher on the outside bench, in the wide shots Carrie's hair is perfectly flat but in the closer shots, there's a big spot on her left side that's sticking out. (00:35:45)


Continuity mistake: When Billy is driving and drinking the beer while the cops are beside him, he has beer around his mouth, but in the next shot the beer is gone, then back again.


Continuity mistake: In the scene when Billy and Chris are driving for the first time in his car just before Freddy pulls up, you can see him drive past 3 times (it is easier to see him by the red cap).

Continuity mistake: When the blood is poured over Carrie at the prom, it only covers her left side - hair, shoulder, arm, body. But in the next shot the blood is all over her, especially her hair. The blood on her face is strategically placed, so it isn't in her eyes or cover her too much.



Continuity mistake: When Carrie and Tommy have just been named queen and king, during their walk though the crowd they pass P.J. Soles character, wearing her red hat. In the immediate next shot, you don't see her character or anyone with a red hat.


Character mistake: During the opening scene, the girls are playing volleyball. The score was announced, and game point was announced. When the ball is served it comes to Sue, she hits the ball twice, in succession, which is against the rules, she is on the same team as Carrie. This should have ended the game, but the point continues, the team they are both on gets the ball over the net, then it comes back, right at Carrie, she does not hit the ball, then the game is over, and a few of her teammates can be heard saying various insults about her inability to play the game and so forth. If they would have been playing by the rules, the ball should have never even came to Carrie.


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Question: When Tommy and Carrie are at the prom, does he start to like her for real, or is he just pretending to make Carrie feel better about herself?

Answer: He starts to genuinely like her, hence his disgusted reaction at the sick practical joke played on her.


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