Carrie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Billy Nolan's 1967 Chevrolet Chevelle SS changes to a 1967 Pontiac Firebird with a white vinyl roof, then back to the Chevelle SS as Carrie overturns it. (01:17:50 - 01:21:10)

Carrie mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Carrie is hurling knives telekinetically, the first knife which hits her mother in the hand, you can see the metal protection plate that the knife actually hits instead. (01:25:55)


Carrie mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Carrie is hurling knives telekinetically at her mother near the end, spot the wire attached to (and subsequently controlling) the last few knives, particularly the vegetable peeler.

Carrie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Billy and Chris are placing the pigs blood above the stage, Billy spills three drops of blood onto Chris' torch, but in the next shot there is only one drop on it. (00:46:00)


Carrie mistake picture

Factual error: In the DVD theatrical trailer for "Carrie," Stephen King's name is misspelled. It is spelled "Steven".

Carrie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Carrie's mother locks Carrie in the closet, Carrie takes a box of matches, lights the match, then lights a candle and places the matchbox down on a Bible. In the next shot the matchbox is gone. (00:15:40)


Carrie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Billy and Chris are in the car, driving along, there is no rear-view mirror in the car, yet one appears when they pull up and make out. (00:30:40 - 00:33:15)


Continuity mistake: When Norma and Helen are in the salon, and they are talking about Carrie going to the prom with Tommy, Norma is getting a fancy hairdo done for the prom. But in the next gym scene, she has her plain braids and a cap on. (00:48:20)


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Suggested correction: When you watch the movie leading up to that event, it's obvious that Norma is a tomboy, and is always wearing a ball cap and wearing her hair like that. It's who she is and perhaps decided after her hair was done that it didn't feel right and decided to go back to her look.


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Trivia: Director Brian de Palma originally wanted Sissy Spacek to play Chris Hargenson (eventually portrayed by Nancy Allen). But Spacek wanted to be the star, so she showed up for her audition in a dress her mother made for her in 7th grade. She looked so awkward and hopelessly out of touch with fashion that De Palma cast her as Carrie.

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Question: Carrie is seen crying after she realizes that Tommy is dead. I can only assume that she actually cared about him but she still believes he was good and didn't take part in the prank, right? And at the end does she actually care about Sue and forgive her?

Answer: Since blood was dumped on him too she must have realized that he wasn't a part of it, so yes, she cared for him. In the book when Carrie touches Sue, they link minds and Carrie sees that Sue felt bad about teasing her and was trying to do something nice to atone, and had nothing to do with Chris' nasty prank. So yes it's safe to say she grieved for Tommy and forgave Sue.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: In this version, Carrie never weeps for Tommy's death, and it's never indicated whether or not she was even aware that he died. And she never directly encounters Sue in this version, so we don't know her thoughts about her either. The film was likely trying to leave some things open-ended, so that audiences could interpret them as they wanted.

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