
The snobby girls vote Carrie Prom Queen, then humiliate her by pouring a bucket of pig's blood on her after she receives the award. The bucket falls on Tommy - her escort and Prom King - knocking him unconscious. Carrie loses control and attacks everyone telepathically, including the teachers; she causes the gym to catch fire and then walks away as the gym and the prom-goers burn. Chris and Billy try to kill her with Billy's car; Carrie telepathically flips the car, killing them instead. She walks home, where her mother stabs her with a knife trying to kill her; Carrie telepathically assaults her with a drawerful of kitchen implements, killing her. When Carrie and her mother both die, the house implodes and is sucked into the ground (presumably to Hell). Sue lives, but is haunted by nightmares.


Carrie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Billy Nolan's 1967 Chevrolet Chevelle SS changes to a 1967 Pontiac Firebird with a white vinyl roof, then back to the Chevelle SS as Carrie overturns it. (01:17:50 - 01:21:10)

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Margaret White: Witch. Got Satan's Power.
Carrie: It has nothing to do with Satan, Mama. It's me. Me. If I concentrate hard enough, I can move things.

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Question: Did Tommy die? If so, did his body get burned up?

Answer: He did die in the end when the mother sue was on the phone she mentions "losing tommy and the others" or something like that.

Answer: Most likely he did die. After Carrie set the gym on fire, she walked out and locked the gym doors behind her so that no one could escape, leaving Tommy to die too.

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