
Trivia: Director Brian de Palma originally wanted Sissy Spacek to play Chris Hargenson (eventually portrayed by Nancy Allen). But Spacek wanted to be the star, so she showed up for her audition in a dress her mother made for her in 7th grade. She looked so awkward and hopelessly out of touch with fashion that De Palma cast her as Carrie.

Trivia: In the scene where the fire hose is spraying Norma, the force of the water hitting her ear when she turned her head, it broke one of her eardrums. Therefore where Norma dies she is actually passing out from the pain.

Trivia: The high school is called Bates' High School, a reference to Psycho.

Trivia: In a deleted scene, Carrie causes small rocks to rain from the sky. Huge boulders were supposed to rain at the end of the film when the house collapsed, but the machine that sprayed them jammed. So the filmmakers decided to just burned the house down instead. However, they had already filmed the indoor shots with the rocks coming through. But somehow they got away with it.

Trivia: The final scene when Sue Snell puts the flowers on Carrie's grave, the hand is actually Sissy Spacek's. Sissy was in a box underneath the ground. She refused to use a stunt double.

Trivia: When Carrie is locked in her prayer closet and when she takes her mother into the closet while the house is crumbling, a creepy religious figure appears in the closet. Most critics have regarded this figure as a statue of the crucified Christ but is actually a statue of Saint Sebastian who was tied to a tree or post and shot with arrows, but survives the attack.

Carrie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Billy Nolan's 1967 Chevrolet Chevelle SS changes to a 1967 Pontiac Firebird with a white vinyl roof, then back to the Chevelle SS as Carrie overturns it. (01:17:50 - 01:21:10)

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Question: Did Tommy die? If so, did his body get burned up?

Answer: He did die in the end when the mother sue was on the phone she mentions "losing tommy and the others" or something like that.

Answer: Most likely he did die. After Carrie set the gym on fire, she walked out and locked the gym doors behind her so that no one could escape, leaving Tommy to die too.

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