
Character mistake: At the beginning of the scene where the vampire hunters leave London in pursuit of Dracula, Jonathan narrates, "By train we can reach the Romanian port in Varna in three days." However, Varna is a Bulgarian seaport. This can even be seen on the map showing the Turkish invasion of Eastern Europe in the movie's prologue, and on the map that Jonathan studies aboard the train at the beginning of the film. (01:45:35)


Character mistake: When Jonathan is closing the transactions in Dracula's castle, there is a close-up of Renfield's card, which says "R. N. Reinfeild." However, the end titles spell the character's name as "R. M. Renfield", like in the novel, and Dr. Seward also refers to the character by this name in the first scene where he is recording his diary on the phonograph cylinder, just like he does in the book. (00:16:30 - 00:23:20)


Dracula mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the great doors to Dracula's castle open, an ornate table with a statuette and two large candle holders is standing inside the castle. When Dracula's shadow appears, the statuette is still there, but the candle holders are gone. (00:12:35)


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Dracula: You will forgive me if I do not join you, but, I have already dined, and I never drink wine.

More quotes from Dracula

Trivia: When Mina meets Dracula on the street, after she first rebuffs him, she walks past a sandwich board advertising a play with Henry Irving at the Lyceum Theatre. For many years, Bram Stoker worked as the business manager of the Lyceum Theatre, which was run by Irving. The famous stage actor is widely believed to be one of Stoker's inspirations for Count Dracula. (00:46:30)


More trivia for Dracula

Answer: For protection from the inmates.


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