
Audio problem: When Holmwood has the gun pointed in Van Helsing's face in Lucy's crypt, Van Helsing explains about the undead. Switch to a shot behind Helsing and his jaw is still moving even though he has stopped speaking. (01:25:35)

Audio problem: When Dracula and Mina first meet on the street they begin to speak. Dracula's voice has not been dubbed during the first five sentences. Then in mid stream his voice changes from a high pitched regular rehearsal voice to the heavily accented Romanian voice used throughout the rest of the picture. (00:45:20)

Dracula mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the great doors to Dracula's castle open, an ornate table with a statuette and two large candle holders is standing inside the castle. When Dracula's shadow appears, the statuette is still there, but the candle holders are gone. (00:12:35)


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Dracula: Is this my reward for defending God's church?
Priest: Sacrilege.
Dracula: I RENOUNCE GOD! I RENOUNCE GOD! I shall rise from my own death, to avenge hers with all the powers of darkness.

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Trivia: The marriage scene between Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder was performed by an actual Romanian Orthodox priest. Contrary to rumours this made the marriage legal, that wouldn't be possible without corresponding paperwork, which of course they wouldn't have had.


More trivia for Dracula

Question: So, just to make things clear in the ending after Vlad's death: do Vlad and Elisabeta ascend into Heaven?

Answer: It's implied that Vlad has regained his soul and will ascend to heaven with Elisabeta.


More questions & answers from Dracula

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