
Easter egg: In the 2007 Collector's Edition, in the Documentaries section on disc 2, move down to "The Costumes are the Sets" and press right. The red Dracula mask will appear. Press enter to watch a short clip of Gary Oldman presenting Dracula as a leprechaun. If you click the icon again afterward, you can enjoy a short outtake featuring Gary Oldman getting a very unexpected surprise from his infant co-star.


Revealing mistake: When Jonathan closes the transactions in Dracula's castle, as Dracula's shadow is shown trying to strangle him, you can see Gary Oldman's real shadow on the right-hand side of the screen, standing in front of the shadow of Keanu Reeves. Also, in the final shot of the scene, as Dracula turns around and walks away, Dracula's shadow appears directly behind Jonathan, but Gary Oldman's own shadow can be seen on the right-hand side of the screen, moving in accord with the actor as he leaves the room. (00:17:26)


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Dracula: You will forgive me if I do not join you, but, I have already dined, and I never drink wine.

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Trivia: The marriage scene between Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder was performed by an actual Romanian Orthodox priest. Contrary to rumours this made the marriage legal, that wouldn't be possible without corresponding paperwork, which of course they wouldn't have had.


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Question: So, just to make things clear in the ending after Vlad's death: do Vlad and Elisabeta ascend into Heaven?

Answer: It's implied that Vlad has regained his soul and will ascend to heaven with Elisabeta.


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