The Blues Brothers

The Blues Brothers (1980)

21 corrected entries

(16 votes)

Corrected entry: Immediately upon leaving Bob's Country Bunker, Elwood and Jake encounter the Illinois state troopers that had previously stopped them. The bar was stated to be in Kokomo, Indiana.

Correction: The Illinois state troopers depicted in this film didn't care about jurisdiction when it came to apprehending Jake and Elwood; the fact that they showed up at the gig near the end of the film said to be 106 miles north of Chicago, placing it in Wisconsin, is evidence of this as well.


Continuity mistake: In the scene where they go to Elwood's apartment, Elwood puts on a 78 RPM Decca Louis Jordan record. The record is entitled "Saturday Night Fish Fry". But the song that plays is "Let The Good Times Roll".

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Mystery Woman: You contemptible pig! I remained celibate for you. I stood in the back of a cathedral, waiting, in celibacy, for you, with three hundred friends and relatives in attendance. My uncle hired the best Romanian caterers in the state. To obtain the seven limousines for the wedding party, my father used up his last favor with Mad Pete Trullo. So for me, for my mother, my grandmother, my father, my uncle, and for the common good, I must now kill you, and your brother.

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Trivia: In every John Landis film, you can see or hear the phrase "See you next Wednesday." In this film, it's the big movie ad sign (starring King Kong) where a police car is hiding behind.

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Question: Did John Belushi do all the dancing, especially the turnovers in church, by himself or was it a double?

Answer: It was a double, and the "making of" documentary on the DVD shows this.

David Mercier

To be fair, John did do a lot of flips and dancing as Jake; just not all of them in the movie.

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