
Continuity mistake: When Bretodeau picks up the treasure box, inside the phone booth, the way he holds it changes between shots. (00:30:20)


Amelie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Nino goes to 'Les deux Moulins' for the first time, we can see Amelie writing the menu on a glass right behind him. A few shots later, we see the glass again and the handwriting is quite different. That's easy to see if you look carefully at the 'd'. Later on, we see the glass once more, and the handwriting has changed again. (01:32:55)

Continuity mistake: When Amelie is writing the menu on the glass screen and watching Nino, Nino turns around and she writes 'Oeufs.' Between shots she writes the 's' on the end of 'Oeufs' twice. (01:33:35)


Amelie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the adult shop, Samantha is dancing in a room and Nino is trying to get her attention so he writes a note for her to see. Between shots his writing on the note changes. (01:37:30)


Amelie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Young Amelie is taking pictures with her camera. The only button on the camera is on the top right. However in the behind shot of her, the button is on the left. (00:06:45)


Continuity mistake: When Amélie goes into the grocer's apartment for the first time, there is a close-up shot of her unlocking the door. The sleeve you see in this shot is completely different from the shirt she's wearing when she steps inside.

rabid anarchist

Continuity mistake: When Amelie is going to remove the broken tile, her perfume bottle moves closer to the sink between shots. (00:13:55)

Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: When Amelie makes some pasta, she grates cheese onto it, then place the grater down with the handle sticking out. But when she looks at the table again, the handle is no longer sticking out. (00:34:55)


Continuity mistake: When Amelie dishes out her pasta, it forms a pile. She watches the Glass Man for a while, then looks back at her meal. The pasta is now level in the bowl. (00:34:35 - 00:35:20)


Amelie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Amelie sees Nino crouched down by the photo booth, poking around underneath, the plastic bag beside him keeps changing position. (00:21:30)


Continuity mistake: When Amelie puts her hand into the hole to get the box, she knocks some dust or dirt onto the tile. When she removes her hand, the tile is clean. (00:14:50)


Continuity mistake: Before Dominique Bredoteau enters the phonebooth he has a bag in his left hand. When the camera angle changes he transfers it to his right hand as his arms suggest. When he replaces the handset he swaps the bag back to his left hand picking up the tin box with one hand. The camera cuts to an overhead shot of him holding the tin box with both hands not allowing enough time for him to put the bag down. (00:29:35)

Paul Andrews

Amelie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Nino pulls back the photo booth curtain to reveal the bald "mystery man", the man's toolbox is on the photo booth stool. However, shortly before, we saw the legs and feet of the man standing in the photo booth, and the toolbox was nowhere in sight, and there was nowhere in the booth to hide it. (01:39:00)

Amelie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Amelie returned the box to the old man. The old man goes to a bar, Amelie is sitting close to him. She drinks 3/4 of her wine. Then the old man asked her "If she ever had kids?" She doesn't answer, but she gulps the same cup of wine, but this time it was full. (00:32:35)

Factual error: The film is set in 1997. There is a scene where Amelie knocks on a house door and in the background is a new model VW Beetle. These weren't available until early 1998. You can also see several scenes with various new models of Fiat Punto and VW Golf which weren't available until 1999. (00:19:00)

More mistakes in Amelie

Bretodeau, The Box Man: Life's funny. To a kid, time always drags. Suddenly you're fifty. All that's left of your childhood... fits in a rusty little box.

More quotes from Amelie

Trivia: Amelie is shot in two main thematic colours: red and green, which vary according to situations and moods. Watch it again with that in mind.

Jeff Walker

More trivia for Amelie

Question: How does Raymond Dufayel aka Glass Man know Amélie is looking for Bretodeau/Bredoteau aka The Box Man. He says "I've lived here for five years. This is the first time we've met." Then adding that he never goes out on the landing, they're all creeps. So my question is who told him Amélie was looking for The Box Man? Lucien the grocer boy maybe? As he delivers to his flat. Or maybe Madeleine Wallace the Concierge. (00:26:20)

Paul Andrews

Chosen answer: The Glass Man isn't as reclusive as he tells Amelie; he obviously talks to many people and spies on them with his binoculars (he knows all about Amelie's revenge on the grocer and the letter she wrote to Mrs. Wells). It isn't revealed where he got the specific information about Amelie's search for Dominique Bredoteau.


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