
Amelie (2001)

Ending / spoiler

(4 votes)

The mysterious guy in all the photo-booth pictures turns out to be a repairman who takes pictures of himself to test the machines ... and Amelie and Nino finally find each other.

Dave K

Factual error: The film is set in 1997. There is a scene where Amelie knocks on a house door and in the background is a new model VW Beetle. These weren't available until early 1998. You can also see several scenes with various new models of Fiat Punto and VW Golf which weren't available until 1999. (00:19:00)

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Amélie Poulain: At least you'll never be a vegetable - even artichokes have hearts.

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Trivia: Just before Bretodeau enters the phone booth while the phone rings, he's the only one moving in real time; all other characters in the background are in slow motion.


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Question: What is the significance of the second video Amelie gives the glass man? I understand the first one - the horse is with the cyclists, and yet different from them, like the girl in the painting. But I don't get the second one.

Answer: As far as I can see, Amelie is just trying to give him a view of the world, so he doesn't become entirely cut off.

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