
Continuity mistake: Adam picks up his head from the table and puts it back on. In the following shots the blood around the neck and head has disappeared.


Continuity mistake: At the start, when Adam drives to the store a fireman is cleaning the right side of the fire truck. A shot later he's now cleaning the front part. Also, when he exits the store the two firemen swap places between shots.


Continuity mistake: As Barbara recoils after getting hit with the steel plate over her mouth, she starts to move back just before, and repeats the move just after, it appears.

Movie Nut

Continuity mistake: When Beetlejuice is screaming at Barbara and Adam, he kicks over the model tree. As he does, his hands are close to his sides. In the closer shot, they're a bit further out from his sides in preparation of the crotch grabbing joke.

Movie Nut

Plot hole: Jane badly wants to sell the Maitland home, so it's not practical that she left all of their furniture, decorations, and other possessions after they died. Any realtor who wanted to make a quick sale would have the place cleaned out, instead of leaving so much stuff for the new owners to deal with.

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Suggested correction: Actually, it's not all that uncommon for realtors to sell fully furnished and "staged" homes. And depending on the location and market, they sometimes sell quicker than unfurnished homes, since it means that it's less for the new buyers to purchase. This especially makes sense, since Jane seems to like the idea of selling the house to a larger family who might desire such things. As for their possessions? There was probably no family who wanted them, and Jane probably just hadn't gotten around to getting rid of them yet, since the Deetz family seems to move in rather quickly after the Maitlands died. I feel like at best this is a "stupidity" or "character mistake", but I'd argue it's neither.


Suggested correction: Jane tells Lydia that she "personally decorated that house," so it's not impossible that she was maybe looking to be hired as the new decorator.

I always thought Jane was lying when she said that she decorated the house. The Maitlands were quite offended when the Deetzes began to change everything, as if they decorated the place themselves, and chose/inherited the furniture. I think Jane was nosey and wanted to keep getting attention for herself. But this is just how I interpret it.


Continuity mistake: When the wedding clothes are laid out for the seance, there are no pants/trousers in place for Adam, but when he materialises he has them on.

Continuity mistake: When Charles is looking out of the window, he pushes one slat of the blinds upwards, and then bird watches with his binoculars. When Lydia comes in and makes him jumps, he turns around, and this particular slat falls back downwards, into place. But in the very next shot this same slat is pushed in an upwards position again. When he sits back down again as Lydia leaves, the slat is back down again. (00:27:35)


Other mistake: When Adam and Barbara have their sheets on, trying to scare the mother, they walk out in failure and Lydia takes pictures of the ghosts - polaroid photos fall out (too quickly) and Lydia picks up one which is already developed - they take longer. (00:39:25)

Scott Steinbrink

Beryl: Paranormal? Is that what they're calling your kind these days?
Otho: Don't mind her. She's still upset because somebody dropped a house on her sister.

More quotes from Beetlejuice

Trivia: Even though Beetlejuice is the title character, he has only 17 and a half minutes of screen time.

More trivia for Beetlejuice

Question: When the Maitlands return to their home after it's been altered by the new owners, Juno tells the Maitlands that they should be thankful that they didn't die in Italy. What did she mean by that?


Answer: Italy is the center of the Roman Catholic Church, which includes exorcisms as a real-life ritual. Presumably, ghosts in Italy are at greater risk of encountering trouble in Italy because of this reason.

Answer: It's in reference / added on to her previous statement about being quiet/peaceful: Italy, presumably, has a louder, more raucous group of the living.

Answer: Italy, is a trendsetter. There would be constant art-deco changes that conflict with the Maitland's personal taste. In comparison, the Deets' are pretty tamed.


Chosen answer: When the Maitlands first meet their case worker, Juno, they tell her how miffed they are with the new family that has moved into their home. Juno glances around the peaceful house and remarks, "Things seem quiet here. You should thank God you didn't die in Italy." The case worker's name, "Juno," is a traditional Italian girl's name; and we see (when she smokes a cigarette) that Juno's throat has been slashed open from side to side, implying that she died a very violent and grisly death. Based on her personal experience (probably being murdered in Italy), Juno is commenting that the Maitlands could have died a far worse death under far more horrific circumstances, and that they really have little reason to complain.

Charles Austin Miller

I'm Italian: there's literally not a single female being, girl or woman, who has (had or have) this name in this country. Let alone being "traditional." "J" is not even in our original alphabet, go figure. I also think it's about us Italians being noisy and the place being quiet, that's all.

You may be Italian, but you're not informed. While the formal Italian alphabet (derived of Latin) does not have a "J" character, the letter "J' is used in modern Italian writing every day. "Juno," in your limited world, would be spelled "Diuno," who was a Roman goddess (queen of the heavens). As this pertains to Beetlejuice, she is a Roman goddess in charge of organizing.

Charles Austin Miller

Juno slashed her own throat. It says earlier in the movie that people who commit suicide become civil servants, which is what Juno is as their case worker. The beauty queen at the desk implies the same when she talks about what happens to people when they die. She says "if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have had my little accident" holding up her slit wrists, implying that she wouldn't have committed suicide if she knew she'd become a civil servant (as a desk girl).

It's never stated or established that Juno committed suicide.

Charles Austin Miller

I really think she was supposed to have had a tracheotomy due to her smoking.

Brian Katcher

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