
Trivia: When Adam decides to go back to the bridge to figure out how he and Barbara got back to the house, when Adam steps off the stairs, he ends up in a desert world. In the original scene, after leaving the steps, Adam is transported to a world with gears flying all over the place. Test audiences were confused by this scene so it was changed.

Beetlejuice mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Otho is going through the house suggesting changes he is wearing white sneakers in one room and red ones in the next. (00:16:25)

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Beryl: Paranormal? Is that what they're calling your kind these days?
Otho: Don't mind her. She's still upset because somebody dropped a house on her sister.

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Trivia: The model tree falling over after Beetlejuice kicks it was never supposed to happen. This caused Michael Keaton to ad-lib the "nice fucking model" line. Tim Burton enjoyed it so much he kept it in the film.

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Answer: No; it was left strictly to the imagination of the audience.


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