Batman mistake picture

Other mistake: A lady is looking / smiling straight at the camera and crew at the start of the film when a character is trying to get a cab.

Matthew Johnson

Other mistake: In the scene at the beginning, when the robbers take Harold's wallet, the robber who had the gun says "American express card" but, when he says "don't leave home without it" the subtitles say the goon on the left says it, even though you can see the goon on the right move his mouth. (01:04:30)


Batman mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Joker's henchmen are trashing the museum, one guy puts red handprints all over a portrait, later the Joker walks by the same portrait and the handprints are gone. (00:59:55)

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[The Joker is dancing with Vicki Vale in the bell tower of the cathedral.]
The Joker: It's as though we were made for each other. Beauty and the beast. Of course, if anyone else calls you a beast, I'll rip their lungs out.

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Trivia: The Joker says "better make it ten [minutes]", before heading up Gotham Cathedral. Exactly 10 minutes later, the helicopter flies into shot to get him. (01:42:00 - 01:52:00)

Jon Sandys

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Question: How did Grissom figure out Jack was sleeping with Alicia?

Answer: He was suspicious, but when she first entered the penthouse and Grissom said to leave their business meeting, he noticed the sexy facial exchange Alicia and Jack gave each other.

Answer: Eckhardt ratted Jack out after getting assaulted by him and muttering under his breath: "Where've you been spending your nights?" He watched Jack long enough to get dirt on him and told Grissom that Jack was stealing his woman. Grissom confirmed it by inviting her up to his apartment when Jack happened to be there and watching to see if they recognized each other. Then he immediately set Jack up to take the fall for Axis Chemicals and gave Eckhardt the tip to get there first and assassinate him.


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