
Bruce Wayne is the masked hero Batman. A criminal raids a chemical plant. His employer tipped the police. Batman arrived and knocked him into a vat of chemicals. The criminal became the Joker. He poisons make-up, hairspray, and deodorant to make a combination of them cause the user to die of laughter. He goes to release laughing gas at a parade through floats but Batman arrives and stops him. Joker kidnaps Vicky Vale and takes her into a tall building.

Visible crew/equipment: When the Batmobile is driving itself to Batman and Vicky Vale, you can clearly see a hand turning the steering wheel. (01:12:00)

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Trivia: Here's a nice touch. Look at the picture of "Batman" the artist shows Knox (the one of the bat in a suit.) In the lower right corner of the paper is the autograph of Batman creator Bob Kane. Additionally, the artist is named "Bob the Cartoonist" in the credits.

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Answer: He could have looked up her address in the phone book. Just before Bruce arrives at Vikki's apartment, Joker asks Bob the Goon for - a phone book. Also he could have been tailing Bruce and found her apartment that way, after all he does show up not long after Bruce does.

Alan Keddie

Chosen answer: She's a semi-famous reporter/photographer. It would be fairly easy (especially for a criminal) to find her home.

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