
Plot hole: Right after the Joker goes into the cathedral with Vicky, Batman follows him with no one else entering in between the two parties. How then did Joker's goons get to the top of the cathedral before Batman or the chopper? They couldn't have planned it since Joker had to tell them where to pick him up, and they didn't know he would chase after Vicky to that particular location.

Visible crew/equipment: When the Batmobile is driving itself to Batman and Vicky Vale, you can clearly see a hand turning the steering wheel. (01:12:00)

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The Joker: And now, folks, it's time for "Who do you trust!" Hubba, hubba, hubba! Money, money, money! Who do you trust? Me? I'm giving away free money. And where is the Batman? HE'S AT HOME WASHING HIS TIGHTS!

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Trivia: The Joker says "better make it ten [minutes]", before heading up Gotham Cathedral. Exactly 10 minutes later, the helicopter flies into shot to get him. (01:42:00 - 01:52:00)

Jon Sandys

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Answer: He could have looked up her address in the phone book. Just before Bruce arrives at Vikki's apartment, Joker asks Bob the Goon for - a phone book. Also he could have been tailing Bruce and found her apartment that way, after all he does show up not long after Bruce does.

Alan Keddie

Chosen answer: She's a semi-famous reporter/photographer. It would be fairly easy (especially for a criminal) to find her home.

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