How I Met Your Mother
How I Met Your Mother mistake picture

Matchmaker - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Marshall comes out of his room with the book about the Roswell Incident, he's holding the cover and first pages bent under the book, next shot he's just holding them normally, then they're bent again. (00:14:30)


How I Met Your Mother mistake picture

Purple Giraffe - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: The morning after the second party, the items on the coffee table change instantly between shots. Several beer bottles and blue cups vanish, whilst a red cup and red bowl appear. (00:11:00)


How I Met Your Mother mistake picture

Pilot - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: Before Marshall proposes the gold foil is still on the bottle of champagne. He sets it down with the foil still on and they have sex on the kitchen floor. When they sit up, he grabs the bottle of champagne again and the foil is already off. (00:04:50)


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Suggested correction: Depending on the location settings on his laptop, they could be giving a false reading. My laptop shows I'm in Cardiff Wales while in fact I'm nowhere near.


The show was actually filmed on a film set in Los Angeles which is probably why the laptop says Los Angeles as the current location. This most probably slipped past the editing crew.

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Chosen answer: In a flash forward scene in Season 8, it shows him with his first born: a daughter.


Answer: Ted's daughter is older as revealed in a flash forward in 'Trilogy Time', when Ted is with his then-only child: a daughter.

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