Desperate Housewives

Searching - S7-E16

Other mistake: Lynette says "I also have a 9 year old", but on Penny's birthday not long before that she turned 11, and the only younger sibling Penny has is the baby.

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Suggested correction: And in the episode with Penny's 11th birthday, her parents forgot it was her birthday and in the last minute of planning, her birthday cake said "Polly." Hard to say if it was intentional to show what kind of mother she is or accidental/bad script writing.


Literally addressed in the show, she said she put the wrong name because they had been discussing the name for the baby.

Epiphany - S6-E20

Other mistake: Throughout the sixth season Eddie Orlofsky attends school with Porter Scavo, and Danny Bolen, witch means they must be close in age. However, in season 6 episode 20, it is revealed that Eddie was in high school the same time as Danielle. This does not make sense due to the fact that while Danielle was in high school, Porter and Preston were about 10.


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Chosen answer: Poker. They have been playing that this whole time, once a week with everyone who was invited that lived on the Lane.

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