Plot hole: When the DigiDestined return to the real world, Izzy states that only a few minutes have passed by despite the weeks that have elapsed in the DigiWorld. However, in an earlier episode, Tai returns to the real world for hours and upon his return to the DigiWorld, only a few weeks have passed by.
Digimon (1999)
1 plot hole in season 1
Starring: Steve Blum, Mona Marshall, Derek Stephen Prince, Tifanie Christun
Genres: Action, Adventure, Animated, Family, Fantasy, Thriller
Plot hole: When the DigiDestined return to the real world, Izzy states that only a few minutes have passed by despite the weeks that have elapsed in the DigiWorld. However, in an earlier episode, Tai returns to the real world for hours and upon his return to the DigiWorld, only a few weeks have passed by.
Henry: Maybe it doesn't matter what card we use, Rika.
Rika: Okay, did that pig monster eat your brain?
Question: Why are Digimon called digital monsters? They don't look digital.
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Answer: Digimon started as a series of virtual pets, making them digital. In the television series, Digimon live in the "digital world."