Trivia: This episode bares some resemblance to the story of Captain Marvel, also known as Shazam. In it, young Alec Abrams magically turns into an adult, Steven Swift who is the superhero Angel Warrior. Stephen Swift is played by Carlo Marks. Marks appeared in season 7 as Chloe's fiancé in an alternate reality where Kal-El never came to Earth.
Trivia: When Clark saves Oliver he gets a bullet on his eye just like Brandon Routh in Superman Returns.
Answer: In the comics, Krypto is a dog from Krypton who was used as the passenger in a test launch by Jor-El, Superman's father, before he launched the actual rocket taking his infant son to Earth. Krypto's capsule was involved in a mishap, sending it out of Kryptonian orbit and eventually found its way to Earth where he linked up with the young Clark Kent. Like any native of Krypton, Krypto has superpowers on Earth. In Smallville, the dog is a standard Earth dog who has been experimentally injected with kryptonite, giving him super-strength for a limited period of time, who escapes and links up with Clark (who suggests the name Krypto, ostensibly because of the dog's cryptic origins). It doesn't take too long for the dog's strength to fade, and the Kents decide to keep him, although they ultimately name him Shelby, after a dog that Martha Kent had in childhood.
Tailkinker ★