CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Sheltered - S13-E18

Character mistake: When Nick and Morgan are commanding the dog to find the victim's scent (and the crime scene), they both use commands in French, e.g. venez (come), trouvez (find), allez (go), and restez (stay) - these are all formal versions of each verb. Why would they command in a formal manner?

Andy Benham

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Suggested correction: Because that's the manner in which the French train their dogs - they are ordering them to do something, not asking them.

Show generally

Factual error: In a number of episodes people are shown eating and drinking in the laboratories. For instance, in "Miss Willows' Regrets" Nick and Greg are seen eating fried chicken in the lab, and in "Overload" Sara eats a sandwich while watching Grissom experiment with her deli pickle. There are other examples. No reputable laboratory (which this is supposed to be) would allow its staff to eat or drink while in the lab. It is basic scientific protocol to prevent contamination of samples or the person picking up toxins on their food.

More mistakes in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Pilot - S1-E1

[To a room full of dead corpses, after Holly Gribbs was frightended into hysterics.]
Gil Grissom: You assholes!

More quotes from CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Sounds of Silence - S1-E20

Trivia: For those who don't (or can't) read American Sign Language, at the end of the episode, Grissom says to Dr. Gilbet is that his mother lost her hearing when she was eight years old. He once asked her what is it like to be deaf, and she told Grissom (who loved to swim) that it was like being underwater. She also taught him that being deaf does not make one inferior to others. Dr. Gilbert then replies that she teaches her students the same lesson.

Cubs Fan

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Suckers - S4-E13

Question: After finding out that Ty was committing insurance fraud, why did Grissom walk away instead of arresting him?

Answer: He doesn't have the authority to arrest him - when anyone is arrested in the show, a police officer does it. Also he tells Ty that he is going to be submitting his case findings to Ty's insurance company, who would no doubt contact the IRS, who then would have him arrested for fraud etc.

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