Corrected entry: When Bender is traveling through space he never grows his rust beard or requires booze to keep going. This is the only time in the series he does this.
Corrected entry: When the small civilization that thinks Bender is the "Metal Lord" annihilates each other with atomic bombs, mushroom clouds are formed. This is impossible, as mushroom clouds would only form in a space with a multi-layered atmosphere, something Bender is definitely lacking.
Correction: What nuclear bombs? They are far too small to be nuclear bombs - you need a minimum reaction mass, and they don't have it. This is a civilization that lives in a virtually gravity-free vacuum on a metal robot. Who knows what weapons they have and how they behave when they detonate?
Correction: He does not drift through space for long enough to get rusty before the shrimpkins appear. And after the shrimpkins have colonized him, they are shown to brew "Lordweiser" beer for him.