My Moment of Un-Truth - S3-E17
Corrected entry: In season 3 on disc 2, The last episode is titled "My Moment of Un-Truth". But on the inside cover showing the episodes says "My Moment Of Truth".
My Hero (2) - S1-E23
Corrected entry: When Dr. Kelso is confronting Dr. Reed about her assessment of him, the clock behind them is at 1:50. The shot changes and then changes back and you can't even see the clock hands (they've moved to above the frame of the shot), and less than 10 seconds had passed.
Correction: The clock is only seen twice during the conversation, and on both occasions the time is the same at 1:50.
Corrected entry: When the social worker is feeling for a wedding ring on JD'S hand,she is feeling his right hand.not his left,where most married people would wear it.
Correction: It's not unreasonable to think she might not realise it's the wrong hand as she can't see it and it was just a way to let JD know she's interested in him.
Corrected entry: When JD and Elliot go bungee jumping stunt people were used instead of the real actors. The two stunt people met on the set and are now married.
Correction: Unless you can see their faces on camera without freeze framing, this is not a mistake. It is trivia.
Corrected entry: The shot of J.D. walking toward Sacred Heart hospital is re-used so many times. Note the lady pushing the man in the wheelchair and the two doctors standing by the wall talking.
Correction: How is this a mistake? It's just a recurring shot used over various episodes.
My Day Off - S1-E9
Corrected entry: When JD is admitted and meets the janitor when he is eating an apple, an impossible large amount of the apple is eaten between shots, as he takes only one bite.
Correction: The Janitor already has a few big bites out of the apple even before he starts talking to J.D.
Corrected entry: When you see the hospital social worker slip just before the starting credits, it is clue she is a brunette. Yet at the end when she is coming out of the MRI scan, you can see the bottom of her hair which is very blonde.
Correction: The lighting can make her brown hair look blonde. Alex, the girl in the MRI scan, is always played by Elizabeth Bogush, including in that shot. Furthermore, you can see the rest of that shot in the following episode and her hair is most definitely brown.
My Boss's Free Haircut - S4-E20
Corrected entry: Cellular phones are not allowed at hospitals because they can disturb sensitive equipment. While Kelso might not recognise his patient's "toy" as a cell phone, Laverne obviously does, and she doesn't react on it being forbidden.
Correction: Many people use mobile 'cell' phones in hospitals, even the staff, and so a lot of them don't react, besides the fact that this is a character's choice.
My Journey - S3-E2
Corrected entry: When the collarbone patient reveals his fiancee is a guy Turk is shocked and Dr. Cox comments "Never underestimate how much this freaks him out." Later in the episode, Turk even admits that the idea of two guys together, or even being that close to another guy, creeps him out. But in previous episodes we've seen him sleeping in JD's bed and talking to/about gay staff at the hospital and been completely normal about it.
Correction: JD is his best friend, that's why he has no problem sleeping in the same bed as him. And even if he doesn't like the idea of two men being together doesn't mean he won't talk about/to them. The main reason he's a bit freaked here is that it comes as a surprise, so he's not prepared.
Corrected entry: When JD finds his brother in the tub he remarks that Dan has been in the bathroom for about nine hours. Dan complains that the water is cold. However there's still foam on the water, which would have disappeared long before the water got cold.
Correction: First of all, from looking at it you can't be sure it's actually foam, it looks more like the water has just gone a milky white (which bathwater does if you have bubblebath and leave it a long time). But assuming it is foam, it's not unreasonable to guess that if he's been in there for 9 hours then Dan might have gotten bored and added more bubblebath (then made foam by mixing up the water himself).
My Journey - S3-E2
Corrected entry: JD throws his clipboard out the window and you can hear the sound of metal hitting metal followed by an alarm, suggesting it hits a car, so how is it possible that later on we see JD treating a patient who claims to have been hit on the head with a clipboard thrown out a window (the implication being that it was JD's)?
Correction: It could have hit the guy on the head and then fallen down on the car if the guy was standing close enough to the car.
Corrected entry: In the first episode, JD pronounces a man dead at 0200, indicating that the hospital uses 24 hour time. But in this episode, Elliot pronounces the man dead at 1155. 1155 in 24 hour time refers to 11:55 AM but the time is actually 11:55PM, so Elliot should have said 2355.
Correction: It could be the person's personal preference. Also, whoever's writing it down could record it correctly if that was a problem.
Corrected entry: When the janitor is talking about stuff he took from JD's locker, he shows him the blue 'scrubs' he will use to pretend he's a doctor at his son's career day. But later, as Dr. Jan Itor, he is wearing a long white doctor's coat, which JD doesn't have.
Correction: The latter scene is taking place in JDs head.
My Day Off - S1-E9
Corrected entry: When J.D. has his appendectomy, Turk is cutting on his left side. The appendix is on the right side of the body. Ironically, J.D. is commenting in the voice-over about what a great surgeon Turk is.
Correction: About one in 10,000 people have 'situs inversus', a total reversal of their organs. In such a case, the appendix would be on the left. See here:
Correction: Not a film mistake.