All season 1 mistakesMistakes
Show generally1
2My Mentor8
3My Best Friend's Mistake6
4My Old Lady6
5My Two Dads1
6My Bad2
7My Super Ego1
8My Fifteen Minutes1
9My Day Off3
10My Nickname7
11My Own Personal Jesus1
12My Blind Date7
13My Balancing Act2
14My Drug Buddy1
15My Bed Banter & Beyond6
16My Heavy Meddle4
17My Student4
18My Tuscaloosa Heart1
19My Old Man6
20My Way or the Highway5
21My Sacrificial Clam4
22My Occurrence (1)4
23My Hero (2)5
24My Last Day4
More mistakes in Scrubs
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Trivia: The janitor's nametag actually says "Janitor" emphasising the mystery surrounding his name.

More trivia for Scrubs

My Cake - S4-E6

Question: What exactly was the point of Cox taping Dan's head to the wall? It just seemed odd and random to me.

Answer: Dan was drinking beer and Cox feared that Dan might get so intoxicated he would fall asleep and drown in the tub.


More questions & answers from Scrubs

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