
Scrubs (2001)

56 mistakes in season 2

(5 votes)

My Sex Buddy - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: When the family goes to throw Carla through the window, watch the window they throw her towards. The window is made up of at least three sections of glass, each no more than 2-3 feet wide with metal posts between sections. When the shot changes and Carla (well, the dummy of Carla) hits, the window is now only two sections, each about 5 feet wide. The easiest way to tell is watch the metal post farthest to the right. When the shot changes to outside, that post, which should now be farthest to the left, has vanished.


My First Step - S2-E7

Visible crew/equipment: When Todd says "Why won't any women talk with me?" it cuts to a girl saying "Because you're slimy." You should be able to see the boom mike coming into frame above the clock on the wall.


Season 2 generally

Deliberate mistake: In one of the later episodes of season 2 Turk is seen being bored in surgery and checking the patient's wristwatch to see how long they have been operating. Patients are not allowed to wear jewelry or watches during surgery as there is a VERY high risk of infection and it might kill them.

My Overkill - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: Right at the start, two guys to our right of Jordan nod heads and walk off to the right, the shot cuts to the table and back to Jordan and the same guys are back (and this time walk off in opposite directions).


My Interpretation - S2-E20

Visible crew/equipment: During the scene where JD is fantasizing about dancing with the German patient to "99 Luft Balloons," a crew member's green-sleeved arm is momentarily visible throwing balloons into the shot.


Scrubs mistake picture

My Overkill - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: When JD is done talking with Kelso, JD is holding a file in his hands. JD says "I'm the wiz kid." and it cuts to a close-up of the Janitor wetting JD's pants, but the file is no longer in his hands.


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Trivia: The janitor's nametag actually says "Janitor" emphasising the mystery surrounding his name.

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Season 1 generally

Question: In one episode (I think it's My Balancing Act) Dr Kelso is trying to scare the interns, so he pulls his face off and 'becomes' a guy with crazy ginger hair and a very annoying loud voice. I'm a Brit so that's maybe why I don't recognise this guy. Is he supposed to be someone famous?

Answer: This is an American comedian called Scott Thompson, more widely known by his stage name of "Carrot Top".


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