Dawson's Creek

Late - S4-E19

Other mistake: During Pacey's phone call to Joey at the end of the episode, Pacey lies about being on a fishing trip and mentions having caught a "91 pound marlin" which is a pretty big fish. This doesn't make sense for him to say that, as a fish that large would be noticably missing when he and Doug returned home. And they wouldn't have likely thrown a fish that large back into the sea. It would reveal he was lying if he returned home without the fish.

The Importance of Not Being Too Earnest - S6-E3

Other mistake: In the scene where Pacey and his Boss are out to lunch, his boss states that he just bought a car, so they head to a dealership. When they are walking in, his boss goes to a car that's kept in the showroom and dusts it off with a cloth as though that's the one he bought, since it is unlikely that he'd clean off a car that wasn't his. A car that someone just bought would not be kept in a showroom; it would be on the lot and ready to go, especially if the paperwork was already completed, as the boss stated when he said it was already signed and paid for.

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Suggested correction: Joey is upset that Jen and Dawson are going out in the first place. It's not surprising that in her frustration, she wasn't paying attention to what she was doing, or else purposefully short-changed them on coke out of spite.

100 Light Years From Home - S5-E19

Plot hole: At the end of the episode, Dawson is seated in the kitchen talking to Pacey in a normally loud voice. At the same time, Joey and Charlie are awake and talking in the pup tent in the living room, very close to the kitchen. Later in the Season we learn that Joey had no idea Dawson had driven down to Florida to see her, as apparently he left without seeing or talking to her. But being in such close proximity that morning; there is no way Joey would not have been able to hear Dawson's voice as he talked with Pacey. The living room was close enough to the kitchen, so it doesn't make sense that Joey wouldn't have known Dawson was there and if she did-she would have gone to talk to him.

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Jen: Cute.
Jack: Gay.
Jen: Aren't they all?

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Parental Discretion Advised - S2-E22

Trivia: Paul Stupin mentions this true story while discussing the show during the narrative for this episode. Once when Joshua Jackson (who played Pacey) was out swimming at night, there was a girl who was caught in some currents. He jumped in the water, swam out and brought the girl to safety. Joshua made the local newspapers as a "hero", and was known around Wilmington as 'the guy who saved the drowning girl'. The show also had a big ceremony on the set, where they gave Joshua a life preserver in honor of his heroic deeds. (00:06:10)

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Answer: Pacey.

Nick N.

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